
Tensile Strength Tester
If you are looking for the best quality Tensile Strength Tester to test your product quality, then we suggest that you go with Presto. Presto is one of the best and trusted testing instruments manufacturer in India. We believe that you be will delightfully surprise to see some of the latest innovations in both concept and design. We will be happy to supply this tensile test machine at your convenience.
Presto’s top most premium quality Tensile Strength Test machine that is highly stable machine, built using heavy mild steel. Its strength and high quality can be attributed to the various built in safety arrangements, such as over load and over travel protection. The Presto Tensile testing Machine has an Autumn Gray & Blue combination finish and bright chrome / zinc plating has been added to impart a corrosion resistant finish.
There are special case hardened lead screws which ensure stability and durability. It incorporates a standard branded motor and CE standard electrical wiring. The completely modular construction of the Presto Tensile Testing Machine ensures trouble free maintenance and easy operation.
Give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at to know Tensile test machine, features and technical specification.