
You can choose to hire a trainer, send your dog to a training school, or train your dog yourself. Whichever method you choose, the result is as follows:
Obedience training is simply teaching your dog to obey some well-rehearsed commands. Well-bred Cocker Spaniels will thrive if they know how to behave within their boundaries.
You can hire a trainer, send your dog to a training school, or train your dog yourself. Whichever path you choose, the result should be a healthy, happy, and balanced dog and owner. Don't forget that a well-trained dog has benefits for both the dog and the owner.
If you decide to train your dog yourself, here are some tips to help.
Start Early:
The best time to train your dog is as soon as possible. From week 6 onwards, I'll be able to show you some simple exercises and commands, but keep in mind that some days are better than others, so don't force your dog to do what you don't want to do. Before you start, determine the character of your dog and the path your training should take. Read as much material as you can to make sure you have enough knowledge. Determine the type of gear you need, collars, chains, treats, clickers, and whistles. Training your dog yourself is a great way to connect and connect with each other.
Be Consistent:
It is one thing to start training your dog, but it is another to be consistent with it. Set up a schedule that works for you and your dog and keeps to it. Make the training sessions as fun as possible. However, you should note that it is not just about learning commands only, but about integrating your cocker spaniel into your everyday life. Even after the dog has mastered the training, you should continue reinforcing the commands every day until the dog knows how to act in situations.
Prioritize Bonding And Respect:
Be hard on your dog, but be fair. Recognize that you are the leader of the pack and act that way. Your dog needs you to take care of him, feed him and give him the basics. When you do, it makes him trust you and respect you. If he makes a mistake, always fix your dog during training. Interrupt bad behavior and distract him with a toy or another activity. When you do it lovingly, your dog begins to trust and respect you. The time you spend together encourages bonding.
Emphasize Positive Reinforcement:
Always emphasize positive enhancements when training Cocker Spaniels, offer treats when following, admire, rub your stomach, play your favorite games, and take them for a walk. This encourages your dog to associate treats with good behaviour. We use aggressive enhancements at all times of the day, but the best time to do so is when teaching basic commands such as sitting, heels, lowering, staying, and coming. These basic commands are one of the first things dogs learn to be safe. You can then teach more advanced commands such as fetch, roll, and jump.
Start With A Calm Dog:
A well-fed happy dog is the best recipient of obedience training. Always start in a quiet environment with no distractions (which can appear in the form of noise, people, or other dogs). Keep your sessions short and fun. And don't forget to praise your dog for a well-done job!
Initiating Cocker Spaniel obedience training may seem like a daunting task, especially since it's one of the first training sessions your dog receives, but it's always the last news. I will. Sticking to this will ensure you have a healthy and happy dog and a happy home for yourself. Training a dog is not impossible. It requires patience and consistency.