
Whether choosing the right dog clippers for your four legged companion or the right timothy hay for your fuzzy friend, you will always have to be aware of certain things when making a decision concerning your pet. That’s why you should always make sure that you do your research properly and always be aware of what your options are before rushing into anything.
How to Know Which Dog Clippers Are the Best for You?
Keeping your four legged friend nicely groomed is very important. That’s why some pet owners take their pooches to regular salon appointments. But these appointments can mean quite a lot of money. Not every dog owner can afford a hair dresser for their pet. That’s why many of them try to take care of their canines’ grooming needs at home. But you can’t just use any old scissors when dealing with a thick fur coat such as many dogs have. That’s why, before trying your hand at giving your best friend a haircut, you should first make sure that you have the proper equipment for it. But knowing which are the right tools for the job can be sometimes difficult. That’s because there are a lot of things to consider in order to make the right decision.
In order to make sure that you buy the right dog clippers for you and your furry friend, you should understand that these clippers don’t work like regular, human clippers. That’s because these clippers have to specially designed to deal with dense, multi layered coats. This is because dog hair doesn’t grow like human hair. It grows denser and in more layers, in order to insulate better and to create a protective shield against the elements. Also, dog hairs ca be rougher than human hairs. This is usually because dog hair comes into contact with far more external factors than human hair.
The second thing to think about when choosing the right dog clippers is that you don’t just need a straight grill in order to cut a dogs’ hair. Just like the clippers used in a regular barber shop, you have different sized grilles for different sized cuts. This is because, when you cut a dogs’ hair you have to make sure that both the upper and under coats are cut to the perfect length. Also, unlike human clippers, you will also need a series of angled grills. These are used for the ears and the more sensitive areas of your four legged friend. They are used in order to make cutting the hair in these areas easier for everybody and to make sure that the contour of the ears and of the other parts is kept without much effort.
Another thing anyone should know about buying the right dog clippers is that you should always check first with the professionals before investing in any machine. There are a lot of companies out there who put out a lot of different products. Some are better than others, but in order to really make sure that you know what you are buying, you should check first with a professional dog groomer. They can help you decide which dog clippers to choose and what accessories to buy for it. That’s because buying the most expensive thing on the market isn’t always the best solution. You might end up with something that you don’t need but cost you a lot of money. Luckily, there are a lot of websites and tutorials where you can learn more about dog grooming, and even get to know what machines are professionals using. Also, always make sure that you check the reviews other dog owners left for a certain clipper.
Where to Find the Best Timothy Hay?
Timothy hay is an important part of the diet of many animals, such as Guinea pigs and rabbits. They usually consume this stuff because it is good for their digestive tract. As opposed to regular hay, this hay has more fibers in it. That means that it actually helps your pets to better digest it while they are eating it. Also, the calcium and phosphorus ration is way better than in regular hay. That’s why it is important to know where you can find the best hay to give to your pet.
A lot of people buy timothy hay from pet stores. That’s because the stuff is relatively cheap and can be found quite easily. Also, you need any kind of special supplements added to the hay, you can ask the employees and they’ll just make it on the spot or recommend for you what to buy. Buying hay from a pet store might sound a little odd for some people, but it’s the best thing to do, especially if you are a first time owner of a Guinea pig or of a rabbit. That’s because you can always ask for help if you don’t know where to start. You can also try the shops that sell feed for farm animals. They usually sell the stuff in bulk, but you can portion it quite easily.
Another great way of finding the right timothy hay for your pet is by going to the countryside and actually looking for it yourself. Although this method is usually best left to the professionals, that know what the hay should look like, you can always ask some locals or farmers, if you have any in the area, for help. The advantage of gathering your own hay is that you can usually find it without anything sprayed on it. When buying it directly from a shop, chances are that the hay was treated against various diseases. That means that pesticide residue can still be on it, which can end up in your fluffy friends’ body and make him sick. When gathering it from the field, you have a better chance of finding it un-sprayed. Granted, you might have to clean it yourself, and make sure that you don’t have any pests on it, but you can do it if you really want, and have the time to.