
Top 6 Little-Known Tooth Decay Facts You Should Be Aware of
The majority of individuals are aware that sugar leads to decayed teeth and cavities. However, most people have no idea in which way. Bacteria in your mouth create acids that erode your enamel and cause tooth decay as they thrive on sugar. Proper dental care, as well as eliminating sugary foods, are both important health strategies. When it comes to preventing cavities and dental decay, there's a lot more to consider.
You can learn how to avoid the problems associated with tooth decay by being aware of the facts listed below.
1. Saliva is necessary for tooth decay and cavity prevention
Saliva is excellent at removing food debris stuck between your teeth after a meal. Dental plaque, a thick bacterial coating that builds on your enamel, is decreased as a result of this, significantly lowering tooth decay. Saliva also contains minerals that assist in the restoration of damaged enamel. Chewing sugar-free gum can help increase your salivary flow.
2. Tooth decay may be caused by your eating habits
Saliva is necessary for washing away food debris and reducing the amount of acids produced by your oral bacteria. Snacks and drinks that are high in sugar, on the other hand, can promote the levels of these acids. Your saliva may not be able to effectively flush away all of them in this scenario. After brushing your teeth at bedtime, make sure not to eat or drink. The amount of saliva produced in your mouth decreases while you sleep, allowing bacteria to feed on acids and erode your enamel throughout the night. If you put your kid to bed with a bottle of juice or milk, you're putting them at risk for overnight dental decay.
3. Gum disease can be caused by dental plaque
Plaque buildup on your teeth, which causes them to decay, can also raise your risk of gingivitis. When plaque builds up along your gums, it eats away at the gum tissue, resulting in a mild stage of gum disease. Failure to receive timely treatment can cause the problem to progress to periodontitis. This illness can harm your jawbone over time, putting you at risk of missing teeth.
4. Aside from discomfort, heartburn can create other issues
Acid reflux and GERD can be excruciatingly painful, but they can also aggravate the effects of tooth decay. When stomach acid enters your mouth, it begins to dissolve the protective layer of your teeth. Your teeth will be more susceptible to dental decay as a result of this. Avoid foods or alcohol at least three hours before going to bed to reduce your risk of having heartburn. Acid reflux can be caused by a variety of factors, so it's important to seek advice from a specialist about how to manage the problem.
5. Tooth decay may be prevented by running water
Instead of bottled water, try to drink more tap water. Fluoridated municipal water is available to about 75% of Americans. Water that has been fluoridated has had a particular amount of the decay-fighting ingredient fluoride added to it. It assists in the reduction of dangerous oral bacteria. Fluoridated water also promotes remineralization, which is the process of restoring destroyed enamel. According to many researches, fluoridated water is perfectly safe to drink.
6. Tooth decay can have far more serious consequences than you might imagine
Decayed teeth can result in the need for a filling, a root canal, or a dental crown, in addition to causing pain. In more severe scenarios, it may even be necessary to pull your teeth. A missing tooth can make it difficult to chew your food properly, which can lead to malnutrition. When you lose a tooth, it might cause the remaining ones to shift closer to an empty space. Tooth loss can also affect one's self-esteem.