
Silagra 50 Mg
Silagra 50 Mg Tablet relaxes the smooth muscles relevant inthe wall of blood vessels and helps in increasing the flow of blood in certainspecific areas of patient body. Silagra is used for the treatment of erectiondisorders and Pulmonary Hypertension (high blood pressure of blood vesselsconnecting the lungs and the heart).Silagra-50 belongs to the Phosphodiesterase5 Inhibitors class of medicines. All medicines belonging to the same classtreat similar conditions and have the same procedure of working.Phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors are a group of targeted therapy medicinesthat used to treat people with high blood influence. PDE 5 inhibitors are alsoused to cure erectile dysfunction
How Does It Work:
Silagra 50mg Tablet is a phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5)inhibitor. It works by relaxing the blood vessels in your penis, therebyraising blood flow into the penis on sexual stimulation. This assistance youachieve and maintain a hard, erect penis suitable for sexual activity.
How To Take:
Take this Silagra 50 Mg medicine through the mouth accompanied by aglass of water. The dose should be taken 1 hour prior to planned sexual processas per recommandation. Silagra medicine should never be taken more repeatedlythan once per day. You should never take this Silagra medication more oftenthan directed.
Missed Dose:
A missed dose of Silagra 50 mg can be obtain anytime in day. Do notdouble the dose if you missed the dose once. Many doses at the same time cancause deadly effects.
directly call your doctor or reach nearby medical emergency centre ifyou are suspecting the overdose symptoms like Painful erection for long time,flushing, sleeplessness, etc.
Precautions and Warning:
Silagra 50 mg pill is not recommended for use if you have ahistory of allergy to sildenafil or any other ingredient of this drug.
Do not use Silagra 50 mg Tablet if you have newly taken nitrates(medicines used in angina or chest pain).
Take Silagra Tablet as instructed by the doctor. Do not take thismedicine in larger or smaller quantities than recommended. Follow the dosageregimen if this medicine is taken for working Pulmonary Hypertension. Take thisdrug at least 30-60 minutes before sexual activity if taken for erectiondisorders.
This drug is not recommended for consumption by pregnant women unlessclearly needed. Consult a doctor and discuss the benefits and risks beforetaking this medicine.
The use of this medicine should be procrastinate by nursing mothers.Consult your doctor so that competent substitute may be advised.
Use of Silagra tablet is not recommended for people aged under 18 years.It can be used only if prescribed by a doctor.
Consumption of this tablet can cause a mild and short-lastingabridgement in blood pressure.
Side Effects:
- Headache
- Flushing
- Diarrhoea
- Changes In Vision
- Sensitivity To Light
- Prolonged And Painful Erection
- Nasal Congestion
- Dizziness
- Fall In Blood Pressure
Store the Silagra 50 mg medicine at room temperature in dark, clean anddry place. Be assured that the tablets are not harm while purchasing.
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