
Residential Garden for Climate Change
Definitely, climate change is affecting things large and small. This happens in ways that are not so clear. While in others the impact is harder. You don’t believe it, but you can make your part with residential garden for climate change.
There are many troubles associated with climate change. Such as more prevalent pests and crop damage, are likely to increase. Rising average temperatures are enabling invasive weed to spread northward. Also, longer frost-free seasons have given an edge to insect pests in northern states. This gives them more time to reproduce. Extremes in precipitation are more common nowadays, too. In the northeast heavier and more intense rains threaten plantings. These are many indicators that point to the fact of a changing in the climate, that means we need to change with it. In short, we need a smarter gardening practice. This is a measure needed in an era of added challenges and unpredictability.
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