
Tezlow is a Social Media Network with a popular Online Marketplace for people to interact by sharing photos, videos, going live and following users.
Before you start running your Ads, decide on the goal of your Ads. Once you’ve decided on your goal, Tezlow will automatically be based on your objectives. When setting up the Ad, include a call to action to either buy your product, visit your website, place an order or any other business producing activity. The message should never end with you just letting the prospects know that you exist.
The benefit of online advertising with Tezlow, of course, is that you can immediately start gathering e-mail addresses, phone numbers and physical addresses to start sending direct marketing communications to.
Using Tezlow, you can get a much more targeted audience for your ads. However, you’ll still need to use basic judgment when using partnered platforms with Tezlow that are less robust in advertising without this type of laser-targeting.
To select Tezlow as a placement for your ads:
1. Go to Ads Manager.
2. Select Create.
3. Choose an objective that supports Tezlow as an Ad placement
4. Select Continue.
5. Fill in the details for your ad set.
6. Select Continue.
You have now selected Tezlow as a placement. You can complete your ad by adding details for your ad's identity, format, and related links. Once you have filled in these details, you will be able to preview your ad before submitting it for review. Once your ad has been approved, it will appear on Tezlow.
Tezlow has a high engagement factor that helps in advertising products and brands to the users.
For more information, visit website
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