Mid Back Pain - We Care Therapist
Mid Back Pain - We Care Therapist
Middle back pain refers to pain or discomfort in the thoracic spine — the region of the back between the rib cage and the base of the neck. Middle back pain is any type of pain or discomfort in the area between your upper and lower back. Healthcare professionals refer to this area as the lower thoracic area or lower thoracic spine.

Middle back pain refers to pain or discomfort in the thoracic spine — the region of the back between the rib cage and the base of the neck. Middle back pain is any type of pain or discomfort in the area between your upper and lower back. Healthcare professionals refer to this area as the lower thoracic area or lower thoracic spine. The upper thoracic area or upper thoracic spine makes up part of the upper back. The lumbar spine makes up part of the lower back.

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