
Launch, Growth and/or Jumpstart Program - GeoBizOps® ® will 1.) LAUNCH • Methodically Guide your Start-up, Communicating to Planet Earththat you are Open for Business & your Products/Services are the Absolute Best
2.) GROWTH • Continue adding Fuel to your already Successful Fire Spurring Continued Growth & Guiding your Team to a Stronger/Faster Trajectory or
3.) JUMPSTART • Expertly Generate the Spark necessary to Re-motivate your Business or Non-profit Team Members past its Current Plateau by Re-Thinking its Current Position & then Developing/Executing New Branding, Management Styles, Customer Success, Products or Services that will Lead to Long-term Success. ® will help you Generate More Clients, Close More Sales & Increase your Overall Revenue & Profits – Quickly & Inexpensively – Guaranteed!
We have Collected all the Latest Tools & Technology in One Place for each Member’s Success. ® Members get Honest Answers to Tough Questions & then receive “Step by Step” Coaching from their Start-Up through Exit Strategy! ® provides the Products, Services & Professional Support to take an Entrepreneur’s “Great Idea Market,” Successfully Selling their Product or Service to the Government, Defense & Aid Markets. Our “Launch, Growth and/or Jumpstart Program” consists of “Step by Step” Modules that takes each Member’s Business or Non-profit from “Start-up thru their Exit Strategy” in the fastest, most effective & affordable manner. ® provides its Clientele everything necessary (including Bid Management) that each Member requires to do business with the US Government, their Large Prime Contractors, the UN, NATO, many Aid Agencies/NGOs & all Development Banks.