
It's obvious that you want your resume to be the most effective it can be--and you definitely want it to be clean and tidy. You don't wish it to appear dirty, old-fashioned or difficult to read. In the same case you can seek for Resume writers in India that can lead you to make a perfect resume. With that in mind, what should a resume be like in the year 2020? We've got the most effective tips for creating your resume to stand apart from the rest and get you an interview.
1. Keep Simple
Simple, clear layout is ideal, except if you are looking for a job in design.
Clear section headings are best used. They should stick out with bold type, capital letters and/or the use of a different color.
It's important to leave plenty of room. A messy resume could make it difficult to read.
Avoid the fancy graphics, pie-charts, and illustrations that aren't compatible with resume scanning programs.
2. Use a Summary Statement in place of an Objective
A goal for your resume ("Seeking an upper-level product management job in the fintech sector") describes to the recruiter what you want. A summary, on the other hand, explains what value you can bring to them.
3. Spotlight Key Skills
Whether you put your skills section at the top of your resume (like the one shown here) or at the bottom following your experience in the workplace ensure that the skills you list match the requirements for the position you're applying to. Aren't sure what they are? Check the job description thoroughly to find out what skills, programs, and keywords are mentioned. It's crucial to list any previous or current tasks or requirements in your resume.
4. Place Your Recent Experience First
Recruiters still prefer the traditional reverse chronological format, where you list your current or most recent job first.
5. List your accomplishments and responsibilities in bullets for each job. Do not include paragraphs that are difficult to read and can make your resume appear more complicated. Make sure you start each of these bullets with a strong action verb.
6. You could consider adding a volunteering experience or another kind of experience
Listing volunteer work or other interests can add personality to your resume and help you seem more three-dimensional. These types of experiences can also help you highlight your transferable skills that you've acquired beyond the work environment.
7. Be sure to quantify your bullets
Wherever possible, add numbers and results to your bullet points to show the impact you had in a role. You can apply this method even if not in a numbers- or dollar-based job. How often did you complete a task? How large was your team? How many users used your product?
Utilize these suggestions to get your resume ready for the new decade--and get yourself that much closer to landing the perfect job.