Emergence of Covid-19 Increasing demand-supply gap prompting manufacturers to increase their operating room equipment and supply production capacity
Emergence of Covid-19 Increasing demand-supply gap prompting manufacturers to increase their operating room equipment and supply production capacity
Operating theaters are large; therefore the number of tables and stools needed is high. Operating room furniture includes four types of tables namely

Operatingroom equipment and supplies includes all the necessary medical supplies thatare used in surgeries. This includes surgical gloves, syringes, wounddressings, surgical stethoscopes, gauze, bandages, and many more. The price ofoperating room equipment depends on its quality and hence the demand for it.The equipment may also be ordered online directly from the manufacturers oreven from the retailers. Emergence of Covid-19 has led to increasing demand formedical equipment and supplies. This in turn has prompted several manufacturersto expand their production capacity. 

Surgicalgloves are one of the most commonly used operatingroom equipment and supplies.These gloves help in minimizing bacteria formation in the operating room, hencereducing the risk of infections and other diseases. Surgical gloves are usuallymade up of nitrile, latex or vinyl, but others also use vinyl and spandex.However, choosing the right kind of gloves is very essential.

Operatingtheaters are large; therefore the number of tables and stools needed is high.Operating room furniture includes four types of tables namely, vertical freestanding, vertical bar stool, adjustable height portable, and mobile operatingroom chairs. Among these, the mobile operating room chairs are the mostcommonly used operating room equipment and supplies because they can be easilymoved from one place to another. There are many options available in the marketfor the purpose including: Surgery Chairs, Surgeons Cases, Littmann Stool,Pediatric Case Makers, and more. For the purpose of child life specialist,operating room furniture is especially designed to meet their specific needs.It helps prevent unnecessary movement which could affect the operation as wellas distracting the surgeons and the patients.
