
Housekeeping services in Orange County can be very expensive especially if you have a lot of things to be taken care of. House cleaners can come in handy whenever you feel like the job is too much for you to do on your own. However, you should consider the costs before you get professional services. While hiring professional home cleaning services is expensive, you could use some tips for reducing costs and getting the best services.
Hiring a house cleaner is not as expensive as some people would fear. It is not just the wealthy people who use these services as the media would depict. However, if you are working on a budget then you should change some things to fit within your price range.
Leave the kids’ rooms
Whether it is by a 10-minute pickup rule or by a chore chart, it is one room that can be maintained by your children without outside help. You need to explain to your children that only they know where everything should go and maintaining a clean personal space is very important.
Applying the 10-minute pickup rule
This can be done when the house cleaner arrives at your home. You should tidy up the house and set the time. Take one to two minutes to go from one room to another as you pick up your belongings. Put all your things back where they belong. Your housekeeping services provider will likely not know where you like to keep your bills, games and other things.
Doing this will create a great opportunity for your house cleaners to focus on the cleaning process and ensure it is more thorough. They will also spend less time trying to pick up things before they start scrubbing. This will reduce the total amount of money spent.
Put your cleaning service on rotation
It takes a lot of time to clean the whole house. However, it gets easier if your house stays well-maintained but it is still a very large area to cover every visit. You should therefore consider areas that you can skip to clean and those that are easier to maintain. Leave one session for high traffic areas in your home such as the floors and bathrooms for one week before you tackle your whole house during the next week. You need to give it a try and see if it suits your home.
Tell cleaners to tackle the less-used rooms upon request
Some rooms are less used depending on the size of your house and the number of occupants. Such rooms do not need to be cleaned whenever you are cleaning. You can add these areas to your request list.
Exclude the basement
If you have not already, you should leave the basement off your checklist unless it is used frequently. Once or twice a year, you should have a full clean to remove all the cobwebs and clean the windows.
Make use of offers
Some housekeeping services in Orange County have offers and you can make use of these offers to get discounts.