
5 Things An Ex-Pat Should Know When Looking For A Divorce In The UAE
If you’re an ex-pat in the UAE, you might be considering the idea of divorce. However, if you are thinking about getting your marriage dissolved in the United Arab Emirates, there are several things you should know before making any decisions. For example, it’s much easier to obtain a divorce when both spouses agree to it than when one spouse files for divorce against the other spouse’s wishes. If your partner refuses to file for divorce, you may have to use legal action to obtain one in certain circumstances.
1) Hiring A Family Lawyer in Dubai
Choosing a divorce lawyer can be tough. This is especially true if you’re not from Dubai and aren’t familiar with legal terminology or procedures. But, there are a few things an ex-pat should know before trying to handle a family matter on their own. Just remember, don’t bite off more than you can chew by handling something that will require local knowledge and understanding of cultural practices. You should find yourself a good family lawyer in Dubai who will take care of your case professionally and discretely.
2) Property Separation
An expert lawyer always handles property separation, but make sure you know what to expect. If you are working with a family lawyer in Dubai or a divorce lawyer in Dubai, they can walk you through how to separate your property in favourable ways. If there are any laws specific to your case—for example, if one of you is not a citizen of UAE—your attorney will be able to guide you through that process as well. The specifics will vary based on your situation and country of citizenship, but it’s important for ex-pats who are getting divorced in any foreign country to have an understanding of local law so that they can effectively advocate for themselves. Each party will keep properties that are in their name. For joint assets, the court will distribute them equally between the parties. When it comes to houses, it is generally offered to the caretaker so that the children may normally live when their parents separate.
3) Maintenance for spouse
If you have a spouse, unless you’re legally separated, maintenance payments must be made for your spouse and any children. These payments can continue after a divorce is final if there are dependent children involved. If your ex-spouse is on good terms with you, they could request that these payments be set at a lower amount than originally intended until they can find work. This is why it’s important to always seek legal advice when it comes to matters such as these; while we strongly urge you to try and come to an agreement yourself with your ex in regards to maintenance payment amounts and so forth, if one cannot be reached and legal action becomes necessary, at least you know where you stand and what options are available.
4) Making Decisions About The Children
One of the biggest challenges during a divorce is determining where and with whom to place your children. Like most aspects of divorce, there’s no right or wrong decision, and it’s often a case of choosing what works best for you and your family. You might want custody so that you can spend as much time as possible with your children; it also means you have to pay child support. Consider whether moving away from them will be too difficult for your child if they were to stay in Dubai. Your choice could influence how involved you are in their education, as well as how often you see them after an agreement has been made.
5) Navigating Islam And Islamic Courts
Though most divorces in Dubai are filed in Islamic courts, there is often a lot of a grey area in what is legal and what isn’t. Although you can always go directly to a judge for guidance on your divorce, it’s best to have a family lawyer by your side when navigating these murky waters. If you don’t already have one lined up, seek out a good family lawyer in Dubai immediately. Having a friendly face in these proceedings will make all of the difference when it comes time to negotiate alimony and child custody.
If you are interested in hiring a lawyer for your divorce, consider using an experienced legal professional who is also an expert on family law and has good relationships with judges and magistrates. Always seek a lawyer’s advice before making any decisions or signing anything that could affect your rights or future.