Affordable Home Moving Service
Affordable Home Moving Service
We have countless positive testimonials from previous clients that will give you peace of mind. At Mr Cheap Transport getting your furniture from point A to point B safely and securely is our priority. We are not only a home furniture removal company, our services cover all aspects of your move, we can assist you from dismantling to hoisting, packing and more! For more info:-

Companies Moving in South Africa

By choosing Mr Cheap Transport long-distance moving service, you are not only moving with one of the best long-distance moving companies, but you’re also moving with one you can trust. We have moved families across South Africa since our inception and aim to continue do so with excellent results. We have moved our clients on short notice and even overnight to all parts of South Africa. Our main routes include Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban and Port Elizabeth – however we have moved clients to smaller towns on the West Coast like Vredendal, Standfontien, Lamberts Bay, Saldanha Bay including surrounding areas of the Western Cape/Eastern and Northern Cape. Contrary to what the market trends suggest, the professional moving companies in South Africa can help you move articles quickly at affordable pricing. The inexperienced service providers may seem to offer better deals in the initial stages. However, the hidden paperwork and transportation costs can easily exceed your budget at a later stage. On the other hand, a professional moving company will inform you about all the costs and give you a final and accurate cost estimate in the first meeting. You can easily save a tonne of money easily on transporting articles in bulk.

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