A Complete overview about N-tert-butyl acrylamide:
A Complete overview about N-tert-butyl acrylamide:
This article explains a complete overview of N-tert-butyl acrylamide


N-tert-butyl acrylamide belongs to a class of hydrophobic acrylamide that can get synthesized by ritter reaction. It can also be optimized by using the N-tert-butyl acetate and acetic acid. There are several applications of N-tert-butyl acrylamide. It is extensively used in drug delivery systems, immobilizing the cells and dewatering proteins. These are sensitive to temperature monomers and can be sued in preparing poly-based copolymeric hydrogels, which are for bovine serum albumin.


N-tert-butyl acrylamide is usually packed in 100g bottles when manufactured. The linear formula of N-tert-butyl acrylamide is CH2=CHCONHC(CH3)3, and the CAS number is 107-58-4. The molecular weight of N-tert-butyl acrylamide is 127.18, and the EC Number is 203-505-6. It is advised to wear protective equipment when working with this compound for the best results. N95 masks are recommended while handling these compounds.


The appearance of N-tert-butyl acrylamide is a solid colorless powder, and the smell is characteristic of it. you can find N-tert-butyl acrylamide in plastics and polymers. N-tert-butyl acrylamide has several applications in the industry, some of which are mentioned below.


It is generally sued for immobilization of cells, dewatering of proteins, and drug delivery systems in the industry. N-tert-butyl acrylamide is used as an intermediate in organic chemical synthesis. As it is a monomer, it is used in the manufacturing process of polymers to derive the best results.


Personal Care:


The hybrid craft polymer comes with brilliant curl retention making it perfect for personal products. Moreover, curl retention is possible even in remarkably high temperatures. Besides, it is also used in several applications that are concerned with volatile organic components.


Metalworking mist suppressant:


The mist of the fluids of the machines is reduced with the use of polymeric anti-mist additives. In addition, it helps them by stabilizing them against the break-up faced due to extreme sharp conditions. This generally takes place during metalworking operations.


Paper industry: 


N-tert-butyl acrylamide has huge applications in the paper industry. Generally, it is used as a retention aid in the paper industry. The flocculation tendency of the pulp fibers improves and offers enhanced results using N-tert-butyl acrylamide. Besides, it helps to prevent damages during contamination when draining through screens and proper machine wires.


 Paper industry: 


N-tert-butyl acrylamide has huge applications in the paper industry. Generally, it is used as a retention aid in the paper industry. The flocculation tendency of the pulp fibers improves and offers enhanced results using N-tert-butyl acrylamide. Besides, it helps to prevent damages during contamination when draining through screens and proper machine wires.




N-tert-butyl acrylamide and acrylic acid are extensively used to thicken the mixtures and systems that show high performance thought put to the test under extreme PH conditions offering the best results.




N-tert-butyl acrylamide has huge applications in several industries mentioned above. In addition, the property and characteristics of N-tert-butyl acrylamide make it excellent for several industrial uses.




This article explains a complete overview of N-tert-butyl acrylamide.


Resource Box:


Vinati Organics Limited is one of the world's most renowned IBB manufacturers, having a vast network worldwide.