Zinc Oxide Market Size, What Everyone Must Know About in 2020?
Zinc Oxide Market Size, What Everyone Must Know About in 2020?
The global zinc oxide market size is predicted to reach USD 6.36 billion by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period.

Theglobal zincoxide market size is predicted to reach USD 6.36 billion by 2026,exhibiting a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period. The increasingapplication of zinc oxide in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry willcontribute positively to the zinc oxide market growth during the forecastperiod. The zinc oxide is a vital ingredient in the manufacturing of footpowders, makeup, bath soaps, and baby lotions. Thus, the rising demand forcosmetics products such as sunscreens, antiseptic ointments will accelerate thezinc oxide market revenue.

Moreover,the rising demand for calamine creams owing to its properties to preventsunburn, premature aging of the skin, along with the protection of skin from UVlights, will also aid the development of the market in the forthcoming years.Nonetheless, the rising emphasis on skincare and skin protection will have apositive impact on the zinc oxide market revenue.

Accordingto the report, published by Fortune Business Insights in a report, titled “Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Market Size, Share& Industry Analysis, By Process (French / Indirect Process, American/Direct Process, Wet Process, and Others), By Grade (Standard, Chemical, Pharma,Food, and Others), By Application (Rubber, Ceramic, Chemical, Agriculture,Paints & Coatings, Cosmetics & Pharmaceuticals, and Others), andRegional Forecast, 2019-2026” the market size stood atUSD 4.10 billion in 2018.

The report is aimed at delivering a comprehensive description of the zinc oxidemarket dynamics and structure by identifying and providing informationregarding the key market segments. It also focuses on an all-encompassinganalysis of leading market players by financial position, product, productportfolio, price, growth strategies, and regional presence. It offers PORTER’sanalysis and SWOT analysis to record the question of shareholders andhighlights the investment potential in the upcoming future. It also showcaseswhat procedures and strategies; companies are currently implementing in themarket. It further examines the ways and components convincing marketexpansion, growth patterns, restricting factors, and market strategies.

Competitive Landscape:

Agreement Between Zinc Oxide LLC and Zochem to Spur BusinessOpportunities

ZincOxide LLC, a supplier and manufacturer of inorganic compounds announced that itacquired a subsidiary of American Zinc Recycling LLC, Zochem. The agreementbetween the company will involve a transaction of all Zochem’s manufacturingoperations and product lines. Zochem’s extensive domestic and global distributionnetwork will remain the same. The acquisition of Zinc Oxide LLC will aid theexpansion of the zinc oxide market during the forecast period owing to themanufacturing and production of zinc oxide with the French Process method, asit is considered the best method for high-quality zinc oxide.

Moreover,Ed Smith, the Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, said in astatement, “The acquisition of Zochem demonstrates our commitment to being theleading zinc oxide supplier in North America.  This move will benefitcustomers by ensuring a stable source for any grade of the highest-quality zincoxide.  In addition, many customers will benefit from reduced shippingcosts and transit times, as approximately 80% of the North American zinc oxidemarket is within a 500-mile radius of our two plants.”

Regional Insights:

Stellar Demand for Rubber to Augment Growth in Asia Pacific

AsiaPacific is likely to witness high demand in the forthcoming years. The growthin the region is attributed to the growing demand for zinc oxide in rubberapplications. Moreover, the surge in the automotive industry will alsocontribute positively to the growth of the market owing to the use of rubber inthe automotive industry for the manufacturing of tires, automotive ant vibration,transmission systems, molded parts, spare parts, body sealing systems, andadhesives. The market in North America generated a revenue of USD 0.55 billionin 2018 and is expected to witness steady growth in the forthcoming years dueto the declining rubber production in the region.

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