Bambootoilet paper is made from the fastest growing plant on earth. As a result, it'seco-friendly and one of the most sustainable options available. If you'reenvironmentally conscious, then you should try using bamboo for your paperproducts as it's both durable and reusable. Here are some reasons why youshould switch to bamboo.
Unlikeother types of toilet paper, bamboo is made without using any chlorine orchlorination. It's also biodegradable, so you're not adding to the alreadyoverflowing garbage in our landfills. When you buy bamboo rolls, you're helpingthe environment by keeping plastic out of landfills, reducing the amount ofpaper that you use, and giving nature a hand. After all, who knows how muchlonger bamboo will last if you continue to throw it away? In fact, the longerbamboo is allowed to grow, the longer it can be recycled.
Anotheradvantage of bamboo toiletpaperis that it is a natural green alternative. Other types of paper can be dyes andeven cardboard, but none of these are as natural as bamboo. If you read thelabels on paper rolls, they will indicate whether or not the ink is sourcedfrom sustainably harvested sources. The United States is the leading nation whenit comes to responsibly harvesting bamboo. That means you know you're making anenvironmentally friendly decision. With bamboo, you're also choosing to printin the colors of the rainbow.
Nowthat you know a little more about bamboo, you may be wondering if it's easy tomake your own bamboo toilet paper. Bamboo is actually easier to work with thanyou might think. There are many DIY books out there that show you exactly howto make a variety of projects with bamboo. Even if you don't want to make bambooproducts yourself, you can still incorporate bamboo into your life because youalready know how beautiful it is.
Becauseof its beauty and the fact that it can be turned into so much more, bambooshould be seen as more than just a source of fiber. Instead, think of it as away to decorate your home. If you want a simple theme in your bathroom, bamboois a great option because it can match almost any color or design you're after.For example, if you're looking for a green theme, then bamboo would be a greatchoice.
Inaddition to decorating, bamboo is also a great source of fiber for textiles.There are currently many crafters who use bamboo fiber in their work. Becausebamboo grows quickly, it makes it perfect for fiber cloths. Whether you use itfor clothes, sheets, or any other type of fabric, you're sure to love thebenefits of bamboo. Take some time to look at bamboo products and you'll surelyfind something that catches your attention.