
Overview –
Every three out of four guests who visit our showroom asks us ‘What makes Indian handmade rugs so expensive?’ In reality, the answer to this question may vary from person to person. A layman would undoubtedly address this question by saying ‘everything that’s good in quality is expensive’. But we chose to declutter doubts and bring a comprehensive guide that will take you through the process of rug making.
Every three out of four guests who visit our showroom asks us ‘What makes Indian handmade rugs so expensive?’ In reality, the answer to this question may vary from person to person. A layman would undoubtedly address this question by saying ‘everything that’s good in quality is expensive’. But we chose to declutter doubts and bring a comprehensive guide that will take you through the process of rug making.
If you’ll read this till the end, we bet, you’ll fall in love with the Indian rugs. Every inch of them is an art that speaks about the unique proposition of quality fabrics, precisely hand-knotted with thousands of knots. What’s more charming about the Indian hand-made rugs is that these are patronage of the emperors who had earlier ruled in this country. The design of every Indian rug is inspired by the Indian heritage, history, colours, and cultures of this country. The text above is a summary, Originally published at visit here: https://www.kalracottageindustry.com/why-are-indian-handmade-rugs-so-expensive/