
This is the most common type of ads on Google Search Network. You can showcase text offers in response to the search keywords. Your ad will be tagged as “Ads by Google,” “Ad,” or “Ads.” For example, if a search is for “car insurance,” you can run text ads like “Get 20% off on your next car insurance”. You’ll provide a link to the page, known as the landing page, where the user can get more information about the offer and potentially take action (submitting a quote form, for example).
When to Prefer Google Ads and Display Ads |Apex Reach
This is the most common type of ads on Google Search Network. You can showcase text offers in response to the search keywords. Your ad will be tagged as “Ads by Google,” “Ad,” or “Ads.” For example, if a search is for “car insurance,” you can run text ads like “Get 20% off on your next car insurance”. You’ll provide a link to the page, known as the landing page, where the user can get more information about the offer and potentially take action (submitting a quote form, for example).