What is Water filtration systems
What is  Water filtration systems
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What is Water filtration systems

1) Cost - take a look inside your dishwasher, look at the end of all  Industrial Reverse Osmosis System and the bottom of the sinks in your home. That is just the visible damage that needs to be maintained, repaired and replaced (especially when you have to sell your home!) The same thing is happening inside your water using appliances (this is the number ONE cause of failures in hot water tanks!) Then there's efficiency - if your heating elements are all scaled up, you are immediately spending 16-20% or more than what you should be to heat your home's water supply.
There are different types of water and each type is used in a specific way. Most homes use plain water that has undergone a considerable level of purification. However, this is not used by many companies because plain water still contains some impurities only removed through a more thorough process of demineralization. Indeed, plain water contains some metallic minerals and carbonates and chlorides. The only way to remove these is through deionization.

Water that has undergone ultra-filtration and deionization is what most chemical companies and laboratories need. But the applications can be very extensive.

1. Chemical analyses - Chemical analysts and scientists cannot use just any kind of water when observing chemical reactions taking place under controlled conditions. For instance, determining solute concentrations always commands accuracy in measurement. The same thing is needed during measurements of chemical contents of substances. For instance, identification of the composition of a mixture could mean diluting it in pure water. Ordinary water has minerals and ions that may alter the precision of the result. This is why DI water is used in chemical labs.

2) Chemicals - What is  Water filtration systems to most people is that we don't have LAWS about the water - just GUIDELINES. These guidelines are based on tests for about 100 different chemicals that scientists at some point decided were important enough to check for and monitor in the water we bathe in, shower in, do our laundry in and cook with and even drink. Where this gets concerning is that there are over 1,000 new chemical compounds created and used every year - over 10,000 new chemicals have been put into use as drugs, additives, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers - not even counting the exhausts from factories and smog created in cities that gets into all the rain water falling to the ground.

So if there aren't guidelines or tests for these chemicals, how do we know what levels may be in our water? Simply - WE DON'T. Just because we haven't bothered testing for chemicals, doesn't mean they aren't present. A recent Edmonton study decided to check for just 10 chemicals the scientist involved thought MAY be present. Turns out over 41 were found in that one study - none of which were in the reports or the test data supplied from the city. The only way to be sure the water we use in our daily lives is safe is to take control of it when it enters our homes. Period.

Think about all the uses for water OTHER than in the house. The city has to supply water to fight fires, make concrete and a whole host of industrial applications. Water is used to wash the streets, water lawns (including parks and schools) and add it up - less than 1% is actually delivered to homes. It would be WAY too expensive to treat all the city water to remove chemicals and damaging hardness minerals - we'd all end up with a water bill that's higher than our mortgages!

Hard water increases the formation of mineral deposits in your pipes. When the water moves through your pipes, the calcium and magnesium minerals form a sticky mold on the walls that become worse over time. These deposits make it difficult for water to circulate, causing corrosion and constant problems. This also reduces the efficiency of your appliances, as the water heater and laundry machine won't receive proper water supply and may ruin due to the minerals. These problems can raise electricity costs significantly.

For those suffering with  reverse osmosis water purification systems and hair, you may falsely believe that water makes matters worse. This is not the case, as only hard water has negative effects. When you shower in hard water, your skin may dry out, making conditions worse or even creating new skin problems. This often leads to expensive moisturizers or even dermatologist appointments.