What is the Method To Fix Window 11 Not Detecting PS5 Controller?
What is the Method To Fix Window 11 Not Detecting PS5 Controller?
There are many who believe that the most effective way to play games with video using Windows 11 Windows 11 computer is using the traditional mouse and keyboard due to the precision you can achieve with these controls. However, it requires the new settings and configuration. The majority of gamers play their favourite games using controllers, and due to the wide range of computers today,

Window 11 Not Detecting PS5 Controller - It appears that using the PS4 DualShock controller or a PS5 DualSense controller on the Windows PC might not work correctly or may not connect in certain situations. The good news is that both PS4 as well as PS5 controllers were designed and optimized exclusively for consoles. If you're one of those who have the DS4Windows not working issue with Windows 11 then you can use this troubleshooting guide to solve the issue. If you're looking for a PlayStation controller that works on Windows and Mac, using the DS4Windows tool is among the top options for PC users who use controllers. DS4Windows is an open-source gamepad input mapping and virtual emulator that runs on Windows OS that's specifically designed to connect and use your PlayStation controller to your PC. This PlayStation controller shows DualShock 3/4 as well as DualSense 5.