
Why Does Your ISO Need a Residual Analytics Feature?
For an ISO, the importance of its residual income is very low in the beginning. But the more clients the company gets, and the more it grows, the higher the importance of this income gets. And after a certain level, it is the most important type of income for the company. For this reason, you need to find a CRM that understands this and provides the best residual management features. And the most important one is the residual analytics. It is an essential feature that will help your company to avoid making mistakes and providing a lot of information that you will need for different purposes.
In the beginning, the residual calculation will be simple to do. But the more your company grows, the harder and more complex it becomes. So, you need to make use of reliable CRM and use it to take care of the task. Doing this will ensure that any mistake is avoided. Keep in mind that any miscalculation can produce losses for your company. So, the importance of avoiding mistakes is very high. The residual analytics feature is an essential factor that you need to consider while choosing a CRM.
The information provided by the analytics and reporting feature will also help you make important decisions that will affect the future of your company. This type of decision must be based on correct information. If you make decisions based solely on your intuition, then you should expect to have massive losses. On the other hand, a decision that is taken based on knowledge and information will produce the best possible results for your ISO.
What Other Features Besides Residual Analytics Do You Need?
Besides the residual analytics , the management of your residual income also needs several other features. They have the goal to help you fully manage everything about your residual income.
• Management for payment processors. This feature will allow you to manage your residual income from each payment processor individually. So, you will be able to find out at any time from where the profits of your company come from. This type of detailed information will also help you to make decisions and find out where your ISO should place its focus.
• Growth tracking on multiple levels. The growth tracking of your company is another essential feature that you will need. A reliable feature will allow you to check both the portfolio growth as well as each individual account. So, you will be able to find out which of your clients are more successful and which ones bring your ISO the most amount of money. This information can be used to help other clients or in the process of looking for new clients.
• Decision making based on the data. You are not the only one that can use the information about the residual income to make decisions. Your team can also do the same if they have access to the account of your clients. It will be easy for your team to find out any potential revenue losses of their clients. And by using this information, your employees can provide helpful advice to the company’s customers. This will strengthen the bond, and it will increase the collaboration period with them.
• Check the results of new strategies. Another feature for the management of your residual income is the ability to check the results of new strategies. This means that you can implement new strategies and check the results they produced. Through trial and error, you will be able to find the most effective alternatives and use only the best strategies in the long term. This will slowly increase the growth rate and profits of your company.
How to Find a Reliable CRM That Provides all the Needed Residual Management Features?
Now that you know the importance of residual management for your ISO. You may want to know how to find a reliable CRM. There are many options on the market, but most of them will not be very compatible with your company. So, you need to find the ones that can cover most or all the needs of your company. To do that, all you need to do is to follow some simple steps.
• Clarify your needs. The first step that you need to take is to clarify the needs of your company. If you start searching for a CRM without a clear purpose in mind, then you will most likely choose one that can’t cover all the needs of your company. This means that you will not be able to find the one that is the most suitable for you. Also, only the CRM that can cover all your needs will bring your ISO the most benefits and the best results.
• Search for options. Now that you have a clear purpose in mind, then you can search for options online. You can either make a list will all the CRMs that your ISO could use. Or you can directly research each of them. But if you make list with all the options beforehand, then you may be able to find more features. And they may cover some needs that you didn’t take into consideration.
• Find the ones that cover all your needs. With the list in hand and the needs that must be covered in your head, the next step is clear. Find the options that cover the most needs and provide you with the most benefits. You only need to keep two or three alternatives for the last step.
• Find and check the reviews of the CRM. Lastly, after you got the best alternatives for your company, you need to check the reviews. You can either check the reviews on the website and compare them with the ones on other websites and forums. Or, you can directly contact some of the CRM’s customers and find out more details about your possible collaborators.