
Sure, an old-fashioned shovel might work for mixing concrete. But Cement Mixer in Ghana can do the job faster and lessen the chances of unmixed cement (which will result in a poor finish and less strength).
Handheld mixers are essentially large, dual-handled, heavy-duty electric drills that accept long mixing paddles. Insert the paddle into a drum filled with concrete mix and water and start mixing. These mixers are ideal for smaller batches or mixing concrete in remote locations that might prohibit a larger mixer.
Barrel mixers have rotating barrels that incorporate water and concrete mix by rotating, which flops the dry mixture into the water. They come in both electric and gas-powered options. For most homeowners and DIYers, an electric mixer is best as it will require very little maintenance, while pros might prefer a heavy-duty gas-powered mixer.
Frequency of Use
How often you plan to use your cement mixer will play a significant part in choosing the best machine, for several reasons.
If you plan to use your cement mixer often, a barrel mixer will be easier on your back. After the task of dumping heavy concrete mix in the barrel, users simply add water and let the machine do the work.
For those mixing concrete infrequently, a handheld mixer might be a better choice. These mixers are much smaller, making them far easier to store away when not in use. Just keep in mind that using a handheld mixer does take effort, albeit less than a shovel and wheelbarrow.
Size and Weight
Barrel mixers are big, and they’re usually pretty heavy. The heft helps stabilize them while the barrel flops the concrete and water together. But lugging one of these machines around, or storing one in a garage, could be an issue.
Lightweight mixers can weigh under 100 pounds, which makes them easy to roll around, and two people can lift one into the bed of a truck. But even lightweight barrel mixers will take up some floor space in a garage.
If giving up that real estate isn’t an option, a handheld cement mixer might be a better choice. They tend to be comparable in weight and size to a heavy-duty handheld drill, and the paddle can be removed and placed on a shelf for storage.
Concrete mix is heavy stuff, so the best cement mixers must have enough power to incorporate the mix and water thoroughly.
Manufacturers tend to quantify the power of handheld cement mixers by the wattage of the motor, with 1,500 watts or more considered ideal. These machines are typically versatile, due to adjustable speeds that make them useful for mixing lighter materials such as thinset, paint, and joint compound.
Barrel mixers move greater volumes of concrete and require more power, and most manufacturers quantify barrel mixer power in horsepower. Look for electric motors with 1/2 to 3/4 horsepower to be sure it has the “oomph” to mix the concrete.
Read: The Best Cement Mixers for Your Concrete Project