
Truth about website designing?
So, you’re planning for a website with a hope that it will help you to get more business?
I don’t want to be the one who breaks your dream but some one has to tell you the truth.
So here it goes :
In real world the website alone will not give you more business. There are lots of people who have a website even in your industry, just go and talk to them. They will tell you that there is no business coming to them just because of the website.
The Website is part of a big marketing ecosystem. There are several other factors that you need to keep in mind while planning a website for business growth.
Let’s assume that this big marketing ecosystem that gets you the result is a bicycle.
Creating a website only is like getting the wheels for that bicycle. But just getting the wheels is not enough to ride that bicycle. It will not take you anywhere.
Definitely, in visual sense wheels are the most important part, but still, you need the chain, handle, seat, brakes, pedals etc., to ride this bicycle.
With just having wheels, the end goal is not going to be achieved, i.e, riding the bicycle. In the same way, with just having a website, the end goal is not going to be achieved that is getting more leads and more customers.
Creating a website is the first step in having an online business, but if you really want to make a business through the internet, you need a web strategy and proven process. Now you might be thinking what is a web strategy.
So Web strategy is creating a plan to achieve a specific business goal online.
It could be generating more leads, attracting more customers or delivering the best customer experience.
It also includes goals, how you are going to achieve them, and how you are going to measure success.
A right web strategy and marketing process will ensure increased customers to help you grow your business and dominate the market.
Now before you go on to plan a website for your business, I want you to hold your decision and download this free e-book.
It is written by a team of web professionals that will help you not only plan a good website with right strategy but also help you to save lakhs of rupees in future marketing activities.
Article by Ashish Pandey
Startup Business Consultant at W3 Business Minds
(W3 Business Minds is a web agency based in Lucknow that helps you to create business generating websites.)