
Trade Show Exhibits
SOL Brand Solutions Inc. is a brand Consultancy focused onproviding solutions in trade shows, expositions and global conferences. Ourexpertise in the booth rentals space lies in our team which has a combinedexperience of over 50 years and has done exhibition executions across USA,Europe and Asia.
Trade ShowBooth Design
Booth Design, Booth Display, Display for Trade Show
Your tradeshow booth design is a representation of yourbrand’s physical evidence. Get it right with us. We are the experts in boothdesign and displays for tradeshows in the USA. We understand the core of thebrand and build a booth display solution around it which does justice to thecustomers brief as well as marketing budget.
The perfect design ideas for L-Shaped Exhibition BoothDesigns/Trade Show Booth Designs/ Custom Exhibits
Are L-shaped exhibition booth design layouts a challenge fordesigners? Is the traditional rectangle booth the ideal space? If you ever hadthese questions about your trade show booth designs then read this article toknow how a custom exhibit made specially for an L shaped booth can actuallywork to your advantage.
The 20×20 trade show booth is one size that you will fund inabundance across any exhibition hall in the USA. That is why we have a focus onthe 20×20 booth display size and have over 36 absolutely unique 20×20 boothdesign options for you to choose from. Who said a 20×20 trade show booth has tobe boring with pipe, drape, and standees? Look for a small booth with a bigimpact with us.
I know you believe that one size does not fit all! That’swhat we think to. When it comes to significant events and exhibitions customtrade show exhibits are the preferred choice for top exhibitors. Yes, you wantto stand apart from the standard structure and look different. Browse throughour custom exhibit rentals options that will help you do just that. If you havemultiple shows in a short span on time we can also create a custom trade showdisplay for you and warehouse it so that you just have to pay I&D everytime.
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