
Environmenthas been undergoing drastic changes due to new inventions. The carbon footprintof these inventions has hampered the environment. Growing awareness towards environmentprotection gave birth to the market of environmental monitoring companies.
Fromformulating new regulations to curbing carbon footprint, every step is beingtaken to reduce the damage caused to the environment. New policies are helpingenvironmental monitoring companies to operate effectively.
Asmany industries have reached the maturity stage, they have started realizingthe impact of harmful emissions on the environment. Due to this reason, theyhave joined hands with environmental monitoring companies to keep a check ontheir internal activities.
Manyindustries are exploring new ways to conserve the environment – by usingeco-friendly energy resources. According to Verified Market Research analysts,this market was valued at USD 16.44 billion in 2018. Global Environmental Monitoring Companies’ MarketReport revealedthat it will spike to USD 25.12 billion by 2026. It is growing at a CAGR of 5.42% from 2019 to2026.
Top 10 environmental monitoring companiesbuilding a sustainable future
Honeywell has been steering the environmentalmonitoring companies’ market. Honeywell is famous for serving the most uniquesolutions. Honeywell understands and delivers solutions for solving everydaylife problems. Having an experience of more than a century, the Americanpublicly traded has become a prominent name that is aiming to save environment.
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Teledyne Technologies
Teledyne Technologies was founded in 1960.It is headquartered in America. From water safety devices to early virusdetection, Teledyne is working on multiple projects to prolong lives of floraand fauna in addition to protecting the environment. Its rigid stance on savingthe environment has helped it in receiving many awards – highest in the marketof environmental monitoring companies.
Merck is a German science and technology company. It understandsthe importance of nature and thus has introduced strict guidelines foroperating its internal framework. It also serves healthcare and life sciencessegments with its performance materials. With the help of its network, it isspreading the message of protecting the environment. In addition, it has becomethe face of the environmental monitoring companies and aims to save the livesof millions across the globe (that are lost due to changes in environment).
Siemens is a German multinational that started operating in 1847.It has become a dominant member across multiple industries due to itsfuturistic vision. It has been continuously named as the most responsible brandin the world. Its strategic presence across all continents has helped it insteering the project undertaken by environmental monitoring companies.
General Electric
General Electric is known for itsstate-of-the-art products. It adheres to the strict rules and guidelines thatalign with international environmental protection standards. Since 1892, GE hasbeen working on projects that improve the lifestyle of consumers. In the 21stcentury, it has taken up the task of saving the environment.
Horiba is a Japanese company. It is the epitome of Japaneseculture. Horiba follows all the techniques that make it an eco-friendlycompany. It also aims to bring down carbon footprint within the next decade. Ithas mastered the art of making instruments that check the quality (carbonemission) of automobiles’ exhaust gases.
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ACOEM Group is building equipment to control (andprevent) all types of pollution – air, noise and vibrations. This Frenchenterprise guides public authorities with new ways to limit their environmentalimpact. Now, it has started offering its services to MNCs and SMEs also.
Agilent Technologies
From chromatography to instrument repairs, AgilentTechnologies has been offering the high-rated products. Also, it isvery cautious about its impact on the environment. For this, it has launched anew program that majorly aims to curb emissions of clients across all outlets-an industry-first in environmental monitoring companies’ segment.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific is the prevailingmember of the environmental monitoring companies’ market. Loaded withexperience and expertise, Thermo Fisher has been serving clients with the mostunique line of products. As the environment saving projects gained momentum,Thermo Fisher also joined the bandwagon.
Danaher is a leading American healthcare organization. Danaher haspledged to reduce the carbon footprint by joining hands with its globallyoperating clients. This conglomerate has always focused on projects that aim toimprove the life of people.
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VerifiedMarket Research
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