
Looking for something new to add to your musical collection for the holidays? Well then, listen to the new album "Chicago Holidays" by the Phil Mitchell Band and the lead single "Like a River." The song "Like a River" has a cool melodic sound that is excellent for long-distance driving and can get you in the mode to think about what is going in life. "Like a River" allows one to reflect on what is going around them. Listen to the song and let us know your thoughts!
Band Q & A
How did you start in the music business?
I started writing songs and just grew in my love for creating music.
How would you describe the music that you typically create?
The music touches the heart and leaves something for individual reflection.
What is the current project about? The album "Chicago Holiday" is a unique holiday journey that puts some new interesting thoughts to consider on Christmas.
How do you feel it will inspire others? It is a very inspiring album. The songs paint a unique picture. Read More Here radio airplay
What is your creative process?
I start with a melody and build off of that.
Who would you most like to collaborate with? If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?
I have had the great opportunity to work with talented musicians. Pink Floyd or Supertramp.
What is one message you would give to your fans?
What you have today may not be there tomorrow. Seize your opportunity in life to create something.
What is the most useless talent you have?
I can't draw and my grandfather was an artist.
Do you sing in the shower? What songs? What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career? I like the song "Night Owls" from the Little River Band.... a good song to sing in the shower. I would be writing quotes if I wasn't writing music. I have written many of them.
Do you have any upcoming shows?
Planing for performance for next year.
How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business? More opportunities to get out your music.
What is your favorite song to perform? Across the Danube Which famous musicians do you admire? Gordon Lightfoot......just had a way with words. Scott amazing piano player.
What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into? Fencing in high school.
What is the best advice you’ve been given? Even if the whole world does not like your song, you can always look back on it and smile.
If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be? Put more attention on creating new true music.
What’s next? Performing.
What should the world know? Listen to the song "Across the Danube". We are at a time where it is a beginning and an end. It doesn't matter what side of the river you stand on....we need to come together.