
The peptides and macrocycle drug discovery services market is estimated to be worth USD 1.5 billion in 2030: By RootsAnalysis
Given the recentdevelopments in healthcare, supporting safety and efficacy of peptide and affiliatedmacrocycle drugs, the industry is presently witnessing an increase in discoveryand development initiatives related to such therapeutic modalities.
Roots Analysis has announced theaddition of “Peptidesand Macrocycle Drug Discovery:Services and Platforms Market, 2020-2030” report to its list of offerings.
The report features an extensive study on thecurrent market landscape and future of companies offering services for peptidesand macrocycle drug discovery operations. The study includes in-depth analyses,highlighting the capabilities of various service / technology providers engagedin this market. Amongst other elements, the report includes:
§ A detailed assessmentof the current market landscape of companies offering peptide and macrocycledrug discovery services
§ An insightfulgeographical benchmarking of the capabilities of companies of various sizes,highlighting the key focus areas, comparing their existing strengths bothwithin and beyond their respective peer groups (based on geography and companysize).
§ An in-depth analysisof peptide platform and library service providers, featuring information ontheir company details, purpose of the platform, type of peptide manufacturedand platform access model.
§ Profiles of peptidesand macrocycle drug discovery service providers, featuring information on theyear of establishment, location of headquarters, peptide discovery service /platform portfolio, recent developments, and an informed future outlook.
§ An analysis of thepartnerships that have been established in the recent past, covering mergersand acquisitions, research collaborations, R&D agreements, licensingagreements (related to both technology platforms and service providers) andother form of collaborations.
§ An analysis of proprietarydisplay technologies developed by different drug discovery technologyproviders, based on the 2X2 matrix.
§ A detailed marketforecast, featuring analysis of the current and projected future opportunityacross key market segments (listed below)
§ Type of peptides
§ Synthetic peptides
§ Biologic and recombinantpeptides
§ Type of discoverysteps
§ Target identificationand validation
§ Hit identification
§ Lead generation
§ Lead optimization
§ Therapeutic Area
§ Oncological disorders
§ Metabolic disorders
§ Cardiovasculardisorders
§ Infectious diseases
§ Urological disorders
§ Endocrine disorders
§ CNS disorders
§ Other diseases
§ Company Size
§ Small companies
§ Mid-sized companies
§ Large and very largecompanies
§ Key geographicalregions
§ Europe
§ North America
§ Asia-Pacific and theRest of the World
Keycompanies covered in the report
§ GenScript
§ JPT PeptideTechnologies
§ CPC Scientific
§ Creative Peptides
§ Pepscan
§ Interprotein
§ RA Pharmaceuticals
§ Pepticom
§ PeptiDream
§ Creative Biolabs
§ MeSCue-Janusys
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Roots Analysis Private Limited
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415