
The “Peptides and Macrocycle Drug Discovery: Services and Platforms Market, 2020-2030\RootsAnalysis
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Key Inclusions
§ A detailed assessment of the current market landscape ofcompanies offering peptide and macrocycle drug discovery services, includingdeveloper information (year of establishment, company size and location ofheadquarters), type of peptide manufactured (linear, cyclic, helical andothers), drug discovery steps covered in service portfolio (target validation,hit identification, lead generation and lead optimization), peptide generationmethods used (liquid phase synthesis, solid phase synthesis, microwave-assistedsynthesis, recombinant methods and others), peptide modification services(C-terminal, N-terminal, fret / quenching tags, immunogenic conjugates, linkers/ spacers, unnatural AAS, cyclization, stable isotope labels andpost-translational modification services) and other services offered (peptideisolation / purification service, peptide detection / identification serviceand peptide quantification service).
§ An insightfulgeographical benchmarking of the capabilities of companies of various sizes,highlighting the key focus areas, comparing their existing strengths bothwithin and beyond their respective peer groups (based on geography and companysize).
§ An in-depth analysisof peptide platform and library service providers, featuring information ontheir company details (year of establishment, company size and location ofheadquarters), purpose of the platform, type of peptide manufactured (linear,cyclic, helical and others) and platform access model (pipeline licensing,technology licensing, strategic alliance and library provider).
§ Profiles of peptides and macrocycle drug discovery serviceproviders, featuring information on the year of establishment, location ofheadquarters, peptide discovery service / platform portfolio, recentdevelopments, and an informed future outlook.
§ An analysis of the partnerships that have been establishedin the recent past, covering mergers and acquisitions, research collaborations,R&D agreements, licensing agreements (related to both technology platformsand service providers) and other form of collaborations.
§ An analysis of proprietary display technologies developedby different drug discovery technology providers, based on the 2X2 matrix.
§ Informed estimates of the existing market size and thefuture opportunity for peptides and macrocycle drug discovery service andplatform providers, over the next decade. Based on multiple parameters, such astotal pharmaceutical R&D market, biological pipeline, peptide drugspipeline and drug discovery outsourcing percentage, we have provided informedestimates on the evolution of the market for the period 2020-2030.
The report also features thelikely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across importantmarket segments, mentioned below:
§ Type of peptides
§ Synthetic peptides
§ Biologic andrecombinant peptides
§ Type of discoverysteps
§ Target identificationand validation
§ Hit identification
§ Lead generation
§ Lead optimization
§ Therapeutic Area
§ Oncological disorders
§ Metabolic disorders
§ Cardiovasculardisorders
§ Infectious diseases
§ Urological disorders
§ Endocrine disorders
§ CNS disorders
§ Other diseases
§ Company Size
§ Small companies
§ Mid-sized companies
§ Large and very large companies
§ Key geographicalregions
§ Europe
§ North America
§ Asia-Pacific and theRest of the World
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Key QuestionsAnswered
§ Who are the keyservice providers for peptide discovery?
§ Who are the keyservice providers for macrocycle drug discovery?
§ Who are the serviceproviders that can synthesize peptide and macrocycle libraries?
§ What is theoutsourcing trend in the peptides and macrocycle drug discovery?
§ How is the currentand future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key marketsegments based on the services market?
§ What are thepromising technology platforms that are available for the discovery of peptidesand macrocyclic drugs?
§ What are the varioustrends in partnerships and licensing activity in this domain?
§ What are thestrengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats in this industry?
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Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415