
The “Large Volume Wearable Injectors Market (5th Edition), 2020-2030{ By RootsAnalysis}
Key Inclusions
§ An overview of current market landscape of the large volumewearable injectors available for delivery of insulin and non-insulin drugs,providing information on status of development and device specifications, suchas type of device (patch pump / injector and infusion pump / injector), type ofdose administered (basal, bolus and others), route of administration(subcutaneous and others), mode of injection (needle, needle / cannula andneedle / catheter), storage capacity of the device, actuation mechanism(electromechanical, rotary pump, cell / expanded battery, pressurized gas,osmotic pressure and others), usability (disposable and reusable), availabilityof prefilled drug reservoir and availability of device connectivity. The reportalso features additional information on availability of prefilled insulincartridges, availability of continuous glucose monitoring / blood glucosemonitoring (CGM / BGM) systems, availability of Automated Insulin Deliveryfeature and type of remote control features (control within device / personaldiabetes manager (PDM) / smartphone) in the insulin delivery devices.
§ A detailed competitiveness analysis of large volumewearable injectors based on various relevant parameters, such as supplier power(based on the experience / expertise of the developer) and productspecifications (type of device, type of dose, storage capacity of the device,usability, route of administration, connectivity and availability of acontinuous glucose monitoring / blood glucose monitoring (CGM / BGM) systems(in case of insulin devices).
§ Elaborate profiles of the prominent companies that developlarge volume wearable injectors. Each company profile features a brief overviewof the company, its financial information (if available), information on itsproduct portfolio, recent developments and an informed future outlook.Additionally, the report includes tabulated profiles of wearable drug devicecombination products.
§ An analysis of the partnerships that have been inked by thestakeholders in this domain, during the period between 2015 and 2020, coveringacquisitions, product development agreements, product integration agreements,technology integration agreements, distribution and supply agreements,commercialization agreements, clinical trial agreements, licensing agreements,manufacturing agreements, serviceagreements, and other relevant types of deals.
§ A detailed analysis on acquisition targets, taking intoconsideration the historical trend of the activity of the companies that haveacquired other firms since 2000, and offering a means for other industrystakeholders to identify potential acquisition targets.
§ An in-depth analysis of the various patents that have beensubmitted / filed related to large volume wearable injectors over the lastthree decades. It also highlights the key parameters associated with thepatents, including information on patent type, issuing authority / patentoffices involved, Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) symbols, emergingareas (in terms of number of patents filed / granted), company type and leadingindustry, non-industry and individual patent assignees (in terms of size ofintellectual property portfolio).
§ A list of marketed drugs / therapies and pipelinecandidates that are likely to be developed in combination with large volumewearable injectors in the near future, identified on the basis of an in-depthanalysis of potential candidates, taking into consideration multipleparameters, such as stage of development, dosage, dose concentration, route ofadministration, type of dose and drug sales (in case of marketed drugs).
§ A social media analysis depicting prevalent and emergingtrends, and the popularity of large volume wearable injectors, as observed onthe social media platform, Twitter. The analysis was based on tweets posted onthe platform in the last few years.
§ A detailed analysis of completed, ongoing and plannedclinical trials of various large volume wearable injector products based on thevarious relevant parameters, such as trial registration year, current trialphase, trial status, study design, study focus, targeted therapeutic area andclinical outcomes.
§ A case study on the role of contract manufacturingorganizations in the overall manufacturing process / supply chain of wearableinjectors. It includes information on the services provided by contract serviceproviders for manufacturing of various device components (primary containers),infusion sets, adhesives, closures and injection moldings.
§ An elaborate discussion on the various guidelinesestablished by major regulatory bodies for medical device approval across NorthAmerica (the US, Canada and Mexico), Europe (the UK, France, Germany, Italy,Spain and rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific and rest of the world (Australia,Brazil, China, India, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa,South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand). The report also features an insightfulmulti-dimensional, heat map analysis, featuring a comparison of thecontemporary regulatory and reimbursement scenarios in key geographies acrossthe globe.
§ Informed estimates of the existing market size and the futureopportunity for large volume wearable injectors, over the next decade. Based onparameters, such as the number of commercialized devices, number of devices underdevelopment, price of the device and the annual adoption rate, we have providedan estimate on the likely evolution of the large volume wearable injectors market,for the delivery of both insulin and non-insulin drugs, over the period2020-2030.
The report features the likely distribution of the current andforecasted opportunity across important market segments, mentioned below:
§ Type of Device
- Patch Pump / Injectors
- Infusion Pump / Injectors
§ Product Usability
- Disposable
- Re-usable
§ Therapeutic Area (fornon-insulin drugs)
- Neurological Disorders
- Cardiovascular Disorders
- Oncological Disorders
- Infectious Disorders
§ Key geographicalregions
- North America
- Europe
- Asia Pacific
Thereport features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whom, largevolume injectors are generally preferred for the delivery of biologics, whichcannot be easily administered orally. The report includes detailed transcriptsof discussions held with the following experts:
§ Mark Banister (CEO, Medipacs)
§ Michael Hooven (CEO, Enable Injections)
§ Jesper Roested (CEO, Subcuject)
§ Pieter Muntendam (Former Presidentand CEO, scPharmaceuticals)
§ Menachem Zucker (Vice Presidentand Chief Scientist, ElcamMedical)
§ Graham Reynolds (Vice President andGeneral Manager, Biologics, WestPharmaceutical Services)
§ Mindy Katz (Director of Product, Sorrel Medical)
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Key Questions Answered
§ Who are the leading developers oflarge volume wearable devices?
§ What are the prevalent trendswithin the large volume wearable injectors market?
§ Which drug candidates are suitedfor delivery via large volume wearable injectors?
§ Who are the key contract serviceproviders in this domain?
§ What are the various regulatoryguidelines issued for medical devices across different regions?
§ How is the current and futuremarket opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?
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