
The “HPAPI and Cytotoxic Drugs Manufacturing Market (3rd Edition), 2020-2030
Key Inclusions
§ A detailed review of the overall landscape of companiesoffering contract services for the manufacturing of HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs,along with information on year of establishment, company size, scale ofoperation (preclinical, clinical and commercial), location of headquarters,number and location of manufacturing facilities, facility size, type ofservice(s) offered (clinical manufacturing, commercial manufacturing,analytical testing, scale-up, process development / pre-formulation,formulation development, stability studies, regulatory support and fill /finish and packaging), type of product manufactured (HPAPIs and highly potentfinished dosage forms), type of pharmacological molecule (biologics and smallmolecules), type of highly potent finished dosage form manufactured (capsules,granules, injectables, liquids and tablets), and type of primary packaging used(ampoules, blisters, prefilled syringes, conventional syringes, vials andothers).
§ A competitiveness analysis of HPAPI and cytotoxic drugscontract manufacturers, taking into consideration supplier strength (based oncompany size and its experience in this field) and service strength (based onscale of operation, type of service(s) offered, type of product(s)manufactured, number and location of manufacturing facilities, type of highlypotent finished dosage forms manufactured and type of primary packaging used).
§ Elaborate profiles of the key players (shortlisted based ona proprietary criterion) that offer a diverse range of capabilities for thedevelopment, manufacturing and packaging of HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs, acrossNorth America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Each profile includes a brief overviewof the company, its year of establishment, location of headquarters, number ofemployees and financial information (if available). In addition to this, theprofile includes information on the various HPAPIs / cytotoxic dugsmanufacturing services offered by the company, along with the location of theirmanufacturing facilities. Further, we have provided the recent developments ofthe company and an informed future outlook.
§ An analysis of the various partnerships pertaining to thecontract manufacturing of HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs, which have beenestablished since 2014, based on several parameters, such as the year ofpartnership, type of partnership, type of product, scale of operation, companysize, amount invested in acquisitions, most activeplayer and geographical analysis.
§ An analysis of the various expansion initiatives undertakenby service providers, in order to augment their respective HPAPI and cytotoxicdrug manufacturing capabilities, over the period 2014-2019, taking intoconsideration several relevant parameters, such as year of expansion, type ofexpansion (capacity expansion, facility expansion and new facility), scale ofoperation (preclinical, clinical and commercial), type of product manufactured(HPAPIs and highly potent finished dosage forms), and location of manufacturingfacility.
§ An estimate of the overall, installed capacity formanufacturing HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs based on data reported by industrystakeholders in the public domain; it highlights the distribution of availableHPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs production capacity on the basis of company size(small-sized, mid-sized, large and very large companies), scale of operation(preclinical, clinical and commercial), and across key geographical regions(North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and rest of the world).
§ A qualitative analysis, highlighting the various factorsthat need to be taken into consideration by highly potent drug developers whiledeciding whether to manufacture their respective products in-house or engagethe services of a CMO.
§ A discussion on affiliated trends, key drivers andchallenges which are likely to impact the industry’s evolution, under acomprehensive SWOT framework; it includes a Harvey ball analysis, highlightingthe relative effect of each SWOT parameter on the overall industry.
§ A case study on the antibody drug conjugates (ADCs)manufacturing market, highlighting a list of contract service providers andin-house manufacturers that are currently active in this space. Additionally,it includes a detailed set of analyses of these companies based on severalparameters, such as year of establishment, company size, scale of operation(preclinical, clinical and commercial), location of headquarters, number andlocation of manufacturing facilities, and type of service(s) offered.
The report also features thelikely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across importantmarket segments, mentioned below:
§ Type of Product
§ Highly Potent FinishedDosage Forms
§ Company Size
§ Small-sized
§ Mid-sized
§ Large / Very Large
§ Scale of Operation
§ Preclinical / Clinical
§ Commercial
§ Type of PharmacologicalMolecule
§ Small Molecules
§ Biologics
§ Type of Highly PotentFinished Dosage Form
§ Injectables
§ Oral Solids
§ Creams
§ Others
§ Key geographicalregions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia Pacific
§ Rest of the World
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Key QuestionsAnswered
§ Who are the keymanufacturers of HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs, across the world?
§ What kind ofpartnership models are commonly adopted by stakeholders in this domain?
§ What is the current,installed contract manufacturing capacity for HPAPIs?
§ What are the keyfactors influencing the make (manufacture in-house) versus buy(outsource) decision related to HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs?
§ Whatare the key drivers and growth constraints in HPAPI and cytotoxic drugsmanufacturing market?
§ How is the currentand future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key marketsegments?
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Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415