
The “Global Stem Cells Market: Focus on Clinical Therapies, 2020–2030
Key Inclusions
§ A detailed assessment of the current market landscapefeaturing over 280 stem cell-based therapies approved / under clinicaldevelopment, including information on drug / therapy developer(s) (such as yearof establishment, company size and location of headquarters), phase ofdevelopment (marketed, phase III, phase II, phase I), source of stem cells(allogeneic and autologous), origin of stem cells (adult and embryonic), typeof stem cells (hematopoietic, mesenchymal, progenitor and others), stem celllineage (amniotic fluid, adipose tissue, bone marrow, cardiosphere,chondrocytes, corneal tissue, cord blood, dental pulp, neural tissue placenta, peripheral blood, stromalcells and others), stem cell potency(multipotent and pluripotent), target indication(s), key therapeutic area(s),route of administration (intravenous, intramuscular, intraarticular,intramyocardial, intracoronary, intrathecal and others), and information onnumber of stem cells, special drug / therapy designation (if any), commercialgeographical rights. In addition, information on the various technologyplatforms being actively used for the development of stem cell therapies hasbeen provided.
§ Identification of contemporary market trends, depictedusing five schematic representations, which include [A] a tree maprepresentation of the various industry players involved in the development ofstem cell therapies, distributed on the basis of the target therapeutic areasof pipeline candidates and size of the companies (small, mid-sized and largecompanies), [B] a schematic world map representation, highlighting thegeographical locations of various industry players, [C] a bubble analysiscomparing the leading players engaged in the generation of stem cell therapies,on the basis of parameters such as pipeline strength (based on the number oftherapy candidates developed by a particular company, across different phasesof development), number of target indications and the size of the developercompany, [D] an insightful grid analysis, highlighting the distribution oftherapy candidates on the basis of phase of development, source of stem celland target therapeutic areas, and [E] an informative heptagon representation,highlighting the distribution of marketed / clinical stem cell therapies acrosspopular target therapeutic areas (based on the number of therapy candidatesacross each target therapeutic areas).
§ Detailed profiles of the key industry players engaged inthe development of stem cell-based therapies, featuring a brief overview of thecompany (such as year of establishment, company size, location of headquarters,key members of the executive team and financial information (if available)),details of their respective product portfolio and an informed future outlook.
§ An assessment of over 20 commonly targeted therapeuticindications and details of stem cell-based therapies being developed to treatthe same conditions, highlighting disease specific epidemiological facts,contemporary methods of diagnosis, and currently available treatment optionsand their side-effects.
§ A detailed proprietary 2×2 representation that wasdeveloped to assess the current market scenario (in terms of existingcompetition and growth opportunities) across emerging and established marketsegments.
§ An in-depth analysis of more than 1,500 grants that havebeen awarded to research institutes engaged in stem cell therapy-relatedprojects, in the period between 2015 and 2019 (till November), includinganalysis based on important parameters, such as year of grant award, amountawarded, administration institute, funding institute center, funding institutecenter, support period, spending categorization, funding mechanism, grant type,responsible study section, focus area, prominent program officers, and type ofrecipient organizations. It also features a detailed analysis based on thetypes of stem cell (based on origin, source, potency and lineage) andtherapeutic areas, along with a multivariate grant attractiveness analysisbased on parameters, such as amount awarded, support period, grant type, numberof indications under investigation.
§ A detailed clinical trial analysis on more than 540completed, ongoing and planned studies of various stem cell therapies,highlighting prevalent trends across various relevant parameters, such ascurrent trial status, trial registration year, phase of development, studydesign, leading industry sponsors (in terms of number of trials conducted),study focus, type of stem cells, target indication(s), target therapeuticarea(s), enrolled patient population and regional distribution of trials.
§ A review of the key aspects related to the manufacturing ofstem cell therapies, including [A] a detailed discussion on processes andprotocols, highlighting the need to outsource various aspects of stem celltherapy development and manufacturing operations, [B] an assessment of thecurrent market landscape of contract manufacturers, providing information onstem cell-focused service providers (such as year of establishment, companysize, location of headquarters and manufacturing facilities), scale of stemcell manufacturing (commercial, clinician and preclinical), services offered inaddition to manufacturing (culture development / set up, stem cellidentification / validation, stem cell banking, regulatory consultancy, fill /finish, cryopreservation and stem cell logistics), source of stem cells (allogeneic and autologous), andorigin of stem cells (adult and embryonic), [C] an insightful Harvey ball analysisto identify the key performance indicators / key considerations that industrystakeholders are likely to take into consideration while selecting a suitableCMO / CRO partner.
§ A detailed market gap analysis in order to develop arealistic understanding of the demand and supply dynamics within this field,comparing both clinical and commercial capabilities of therapy developers andthe availability and capabilities of contract manufacturers, across differentgeographies.
§ An elaborate discussion on the various strategies that canbe adopted by stem cell therapy developers across different stages of productdevelopment and commercialization (prior to product launch, post-marketing, andnear patent expiry), and the key strategies that have been adopted by drugdevelopers for the commercialization of their proprietary product candidates.
§ An analysis of contemporary trends, as observed on theGoogle Trends portal, for the period 2015-2019 and insights from the recentnews articles related to stem cell therapies indicating the increasing popularityof this upcoming field of research.
The report also features thelikely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across importantmarket segments, mentioned below:
§ Source of stem cell
§ Allogeneic
§ Autologous
§ Origin of stem cell
§ Adult
§ Embryonic
§ Type of stem cell
§ Hematopoietic
§ Mesenchymal
§ Progenitor
§ Others
§ Lineage of stem cell
§ Adipose Tissue
§ Bone Marrow
§ Cord Blood
§ Others
§ Route ofAdministration
§ Intraarticular
§ Intracoronary
§ Intramuscular
§ Intramyocardial
§ Intrathecal
§ Intravenous
§ SurgicalImplantations
§ Others
§ Therapeutic Area
§ Autoimmune /Inflammatory Disorder
§ CardiovascularDisorders
§ Metabolic Disorder
§ MusculoskeletalDisorders
§ Oncological Disorders
§ NeurologicalDisorders
§ Ophthalmic Disorders
§ Others
§ End Users
§ Ambulatory SurgeryCenters
§ Hospitals
§ Specialty Clinics
§ Key Geographies
§ North America
§ Europe
- Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World
Thereport includes detailed transcripts of discussions held with the followingexperts:
§ William L Rust(Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Seraxis)
§ Xuejun Huang Parsons(Chief Executive Officer, Xcelthera)
§ Michel Revel(Co-Founder and Chief Scientist, Kadimastem)and Galit Mazooz-Perlmuter (Director, Business Development, Kadimastem)
§ Kikuo Yasui (Directorand Chief Operating Officer, Heartseed)
§ Gustav Steinhoff(Director and Chairman, Department of Cardiac Surgery, University ofRostock)
§ Gilles Devillers(President, Bio Elpida)
§ Fiona Bellot (BusinessDevelopment Manager, Roslin Cell Therapies)
§ David Mckenna(Professor and American Red Cross Chair in Transfusion Medicine, Universityof Minnesota)
§ Brian Dattilo(Manager of Business Development, Waisman Biomanufacturing)
§ Mathilde Girard(Department Leader, Cell Therapy Innovation and Development, YposKesi)
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Key Questions Answered
§ Whoare the leading developers of stem cell therapies?
§ Which types ofclinical conditions can be treated using stem cell therapies?
§ Which cell lineagesand types of stem cells are commonly used for therapy development?
§ Whatkind of key commercialization strategies are being used by stem cell therapydevelopers?
§ Whoare the key contract service providers engaged in this domain?
§ How is the currentand future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key marketsegments?
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