
The global digital biomarkers market is projected to be worth over USD 22 billion by 2030
Roots Analysis has announced the addition of “Digital Solutions forBiomarkers Market, 2021-2030” report to its list of offerings.
Digital solutions for biomarkers are modernsolutions that are capable of generating, collecting, and tracking medicaldata. From this data, digital biomarkers that offer insights into anatomical,physiological, and molecular events, and even behavior-related patterns inhumans, have been acknowledged as viable inputs to understand, track, monitor and/ or predict health-related outcomes. In the current pandemic, medicalprofessionals are trying to identify digital biomarkers that can facilitate thesuccessful screening / diagnosis of COVID-19 patients, remotely.
To order this 270+ page report, which features135+ figures and 140+ tables, please visit this
Key Market Insights
Over 45 digital solutions for biomarkers arecurrently available / under development
Over 70% of the aforementioned solutions areoffered either as combinations of software applications and devices or asstandalone software solutions, targeting more than 30 unique targetindications.
Over 85% of digital solutions for biomarkersare intended for patient monitoring purposes
Such solutions are currently available / beingdeveloped to monitor various digital biomarkers associated with neurologicaldisorders (22%), respiratory disorders (17%), and infectious disorders (15%).In fact, over 15% of these solutions are being extensively used for monitoringpatients with COVID-19.
40 global events, focused on digital solutionsfor biomarkers, have been organized since 2016
Around 40% of thesewere conferences, involving more than 25 unique organizers. Close to 50% ofsuch events have been / are being organized in the US.
Nearly USD 950 million invested by both privateand public investors in this domain
~70% of the total capital raised by digitalsolutions for biomarkers developers was from venture capital funding, featuringthe contributions of over 150 investors. In addition, over 65% was invested incompanies focused on development of physiological / vocal digital biomarkers.
Partnership activity in this field has grown ata CAGR of over 60%, between 2016 and 2020
More than 65% of the reported deals wereestablished in the last two years (since 2019), with the maximumactivity being reported in 2020. Majority of the instances captured in thereport were research and development agreements (24%) and product / technologyintegration agreements (15%). Further, more than 40% of these agreements havebeen signed for digital solutions for physiological biomarkers.
North America and Europe are anticipated tocapture over 65% of the market share by 2030
The market in Asia-Pacificregions is anticipated to grow at a relatively faster pace (41.03%). In 2030,digital solutions capturing vocal biomarkers are likely to represent thelargest market share, in terms of revenues from product sales (37%), followedby those intended to capture physiological biomarkers (32%) and idiosyncraticbiomarkers (16%).
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Key Questions Answered
§ Who are the leading players engaged in the development of digitalsolutions for biomarkers?
§ Which are the popular therapeutic areas where digital biomarkersare currently relevant?
§ What kind of global level events related to digitalbiomarkers, have been organized in the recent past?
§ What is the trend of capital investments in the digitalbiomarkers market?
§ Which partnership models are most commonly adopted bystakeholders in this industry?
§ What is the tole of big pharma players engaged in thisdomain?
§ How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the digitalbiomarkers market?
§ What are the opportunities available for digital solutionsfor biomarkers in emerging markets?
§ How is the current and future opportunity likely to bedistributed across key market segments?
§ What are the anticipated future trends related to digitalsolutions for biomarkers market?
The USD 22.6 billion (by 2030) financialopportunity within the digital solutions for biomarkers market has beenanalyzed across the following segments:
§ Contentof Solution
§ Software Application+ AI Support
§ Software Application+ Device
§ Standalone SoftwareApplication
§ Other Contents ofSolutions
§ Purposeof Solution
§ Diagnosis
§ EarlyScreening
§ Monitoring
§ PredictiveInsights
§ Typeof Biomarker
§ CognitiveBiomarkers
§ IdiosyncraticBiomarkers
§ PhysiologicalBiomarkers
§ VocalBiomarkers
§ OtherBiomarkers
§ TherapeuticAreas
§ AutoimmuneDisorders
§ CardiovascularDisorders
§ InfectiousDisorders
§ MentalHealth Problems
§ NeurologicalDisorders
§ RespiratoryDisorders
§ SubstanceUse Disorders
§ Others
§ BusinessModel
§ Businessto Business (Healthcare Providers, Payers, Employers and PharmaceuticalCompanies)
§ Businessto Consumer (Patients and Caregivers)
§ KeyGeographical Regions
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
§ MiddleEast and North Africa (MENA)
§ Restof the world
The report features inputs from eminentindustry stakeholders, according to whom, digital biomarkers are soon likely towitness increased adoption given their broad scope of applications and theavailability of technologies that enable such biological inputs to be remotelyidentified and processed. The report includes detailed transcripts of thediscussions held with following industry experts:
§ Edouard Gasser(Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Tilak Healthcare)
§ Michael Seggev (Chief CommercialOfficer, VocalisHealth)
Theresearch covers brief profiles of key players engaged in the development ofdigital solutions for biomarkers; other popular industry players featured inthe report include:
§ Akili Interactive
§ AiCure
§ Cogito Corp
§ JanssenPharmaceuticals
§ Huma
§ Mindstrong Health
§ Oura
§ Pear Therapeutics
§ Roche
§ Sonde Health
§ Vocalis Health
§ Winterlight Labs
For additional details, please visit
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Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415
+44 (122) 391 1091