
The “Digital Health Market: Focus on Digital Therapeutics (2nd Edition), 2020-2030<RootsAnalysis>
Key Inclusions
§ An overview of the current market landscape of digital therapeuticsolutions, including information on status of development, type of solution (combination offering of software application+ device or AI or personal coach, and standalone software application),type of therapy (curative andpreventive), purpose of solution (medication replacement and medicationaugmentation), target disease indication(s), therapeutic area(s),and target population. In addition, it presents details of the companiesdeveloping digital therapeutic solution, highlighting year of establishment,company size, type of business model used (B2B and B2C) and location of headquarters.
§ An in depth analysis of the contemporary market trends,presented using four schematic representations, including [A] a bubble analysiscomparing the leading players engaged in the development of digital therapeuticsolutions based on the parameters, such as product portfolio strength, numberof target disease indication(s) and company size, [B] a grid representationillustrating the distribution of the digital therapeutic solutions based onstatus of development, type of solution and therapeutic area, [C] an insightfultree map representation of the digital therapeutic solutions, distributed onthe basis of therapeutic area and company size, and [D] a world maprepresentation highlighting the regional distribution of developer companies.
§ A detailed productcompetitiveness analysis of digital therapeutic solutions developed / underdevelopment for the most popular therapeutic areas taking into considerationthe strength of product portfolio (based on the total number of digitaltherapeutic solutions being developed in that disease area) and key productspecific parameters, such as status of development, type of solution, type oftherapy, and purpose of solution.
§ Elaborate profiles of prominentsmall-sized and mid-sized players that are either engaged in the development orhave developed digital therapeutic solutions. Each company profile features abrief overview of the company (with information on year of establishment,number of employees, location of headquarters and key members of the executiveteam), details of their respective product portfolio, recent developments andan informed future outlook.
§ A detailed analysis of more than 220 completed, ongoing andplanned clinical studies of various digital therapeutic solutions, based on thevarious relevant parameters, such as trial registration year, trial phase,number of patients enrolled, study design, trial recruitment status and trialfocus, highlighting leading sponsors and leading digital therapeutic solutions(in terms of number of trials conducted),type of organization, popular therapeutic areas and regional distribution oftrials. In addition, it features an insightful clinical end-points analysis (fortrials initiated since 2018 for popular therapeutic areas).
§ An analysis of the investments made in the period between2009 and 2020 (till June), including seed financing, venture capitalfinancing, debt financing, grants, capital raised from IPOs and subsequentofferings, at various stages of development in companies that are engaged inthis field.
§ An analysis of the partnerships that have been inked bystakeholders in this domain, in the period between 2008 and 2020 (till May),covering clinical trial agreements, pilot product offerings, productintegration agreements, product launch agreements, product / technologylicensing agreements, marketing and distribution agreements, mergers /acquisitions, and research and development agreements.
§ A detailed analysis of the various business models andgo-to-market strategies adopted by companies involved in this space, providingdetails on various channels adopted / being adopted by stakeholders in theindustry to raise awareness and offer access to their proprietary products.
§ A Bowman’s Strategy Clock framework in order to analyze thecompetitive position of various companies in the marketplace, taking intoconsideration the prices and different features of their products.
§ An insightful discussion on the impact of COVID-19 pandemicon the overall digital therapeutic solutions market, and the key initiativesundertaken by big pharma players.
§ A review of the key aspects related to the remote digitalmonitoring and diagnostics solutions, including [A] a brief introduction toremote digital monitoring and diagnostics solutions, highlighting the keybenefits and roadblocks [B] an assessment of the market landscape of remotedigital monitoring and diagnostics solutions, based on various parameters, suchas status of development, type of solution, target disease indication(s) andtherapeutic area, along with details on the companies that develop these solutions,highlighting year of establishment, company size and location of headquarters[C] detailed profiles of some of the key players that presently offer digitalmonitoring / diagnostic solutions for chronic disease management; each profilefeatures a brief overview of the company (with information on year of establishment, number of employees,location of headquarters, lead investors, key partners and members of the executive team),details of their product portfolio, recent developments and an informed futureoutlook, and [D] an insightful analysis on various capital investments thathave been made into the digital monitoring / diagnostics domain.
§ A discussion on affiliated trends, key drivers andchallenges, under a SWOT framework, which are likely to impact the industry’sevolution, including a Harvey ball analysis, highlighting the relative effectof each SWOT parameter on the overall digital therapeutic solutions industry.
§ An informative analysis of contemporary Google Trends inthe time period between 2015 and 2020 (till July) and insights from therecent news articles related digital therapeutic solutions, indicating theincreasing popularity of this domain. Furthermore, it highlights the potentialfuture opportunities for players engaged in development of such solutions.
The report also features thelikely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across importantmarket segments, mentioned below:
§ Typeof Solution
§ Standalone SoftwareApplication
§ Software Application+ Device + Personal Coach
§ Software Application+ Device + AI Support
§ Software Application+ Device
§ Software Application+ AI Support
§ Software Application+ Personal Coach
§ Other Types ofSolutions
§ Purposeof Solution
§ MedicationReplacement
§ MedicationAugmentation
§ Typeof Therapy
§ Curative
§ Preventive
§ BusinessModel
§ Businessto Consumer (Patients and Caregivers)
§ Businessto Business (Healthcare Providers, Payers, Employers andPharmaceutical Companies)
§ TherapeuticAreas
§ CardiovascularDisorders
§ ChronicPain
§ MentalHealth Problems
§ MetabolicDisorders
§ NeurologicalDisorders
§ RespiratoryDisorders
§ SleepDisorders
§ SubstanceUse Disorders
§ Others
§ KeyGeographical Regions
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
§ Restof the world
Thereport includes detailed transcripts of discussions held with the followingexperts:
§ Eran Ofir (Co-Founderand ChiefExecutive Officer, Somatix)
§ Edouard Gasser(Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Tilak Healthcare)
§ Stephanie Tilenius(Co-Founderand Chief Executive Officer, Vida Health)
§ Adam Kaufman (Chief ExecutiveOfficer, CanaryHealth)
§ Vijay Ravindran (Chief ExecutiveOfficer, Floreo)
§ Palakh R Sarogi (VicePresident, Marketing, Wellthy Therapeutics),Arani Sarkra (Senior Manager, Consumer Marketing, Wellthy Therapeutics)and Yolande D’Mello (Marketing and Public Relations, Wellthy Therapeutics)
§ Amelie Janson(Communication Manager, Voluntis)
§ Anonymous (Founderand Chief Executive Officer, UK based Small-sized Company)
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Key Questions Answered
§ Who are the leading developers offering digital therapeuticsolutions?
§ What are the most popular therapeutic areas for digitaltherapeutic solutions?
§ Which companies are actively involved in conducting clinicaltrials for their solutions?
§ What are the key factors influencing the price of digitaltherapeutic solutions?
§ What is the trend in capital investments in the digitaltherapeutics market?
§ Which partnership models are commonly adopted by stakeholders inthis industry?
§ What type of marketing strategies are being adopted bydevelopers in this domain?
§ What is the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on digital therapeuticsolutions market?
§ What are the opportunities for digital therapeutic solutions inemerging markets?
§ How is the current and future opportunity likely to bedistributed across key market segments?
§ What are the anticipated future trends related to digitaltherapeutic solutions market?
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