The “China Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market
The “China Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market
The “China Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market, 2020-2030” report features an extensive study of the current market landscape and future opportunities associated with the contract manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals in China.

The “China Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market

To order thisdetailed 250+ page report, please visit this ChinaBiopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market, 2020-2030


Key Inclusions

§ A detailed review of the overall landscape of companiesoffering contract manufacturing services for biopharmaceuticals in China, alongwith information on year of establishment, company size, scale of operation(preclinical, clinical and commercial), location of headquarters, number ofmanufacturing facilities, as well as location of these facilities, type ofbusiness segment, type of manufacturing service(s) offered (process developmentand characterization, method validation and testing, analytical development, stabilitystudies, quality assurance and control, scale-up, downstream processing,regulatory support, data analytics and reporting, and others), type ofbiologic(s) manufactured (peptides / proteins, antibodies, vaccines, celltherapies, gene therapies, antibody drug conjugates, vectors, biosimilars,nucleic acids and others), type of expression system(s) used (mammalian,microbial and others), type of bioreactor(s) used (single-use bioreactors andstainless steel bioreactors) and its mode of operation (batch, fed-batch andperfusion), type of packaging, and affiliations to regulatory accreditationsand certifications (if any). 

§ An analysis of the various partnerships pertaining tobiopharmaceutical manufacturing in China, which have been established since 2016,based on several parameters, such as the year of partnership, type ofpartnership model adopted, scale of operation, type of biologic, focus area ofthe deal, target indication, most active players (in terms of number ofpartnerships signed), and geography.

§ An analysis of the various expansion initiatives undertakenby contract manufacturers in China, in order to augment their capabilities,over the period 2016-2020 (till February), taking into consideration severalrelevant parameters, such as year of expansion, type of expansion (capabilityexpansion, capacity expansion, facility expansion and new facility), scale ofoperation of manufacturing facility, type of biologic and location ofmanufacturing facility.

§ A clinical trial analysis of completed and active studiesrelated to biopharmaceuticals that have been / are being / are likely to beconducted in China, based on trial registration year, trial phase, trialrecruitment status, type of sponsor / collaborator, geography and number ofpatients enrolled.

§ An estimate of the overall, installed capacity formanufacturing biopharmaceuticals, based on data reported by industrystakeholders in the public domain; it highlights the distribution of availablebiopharmaceutical production capacity on the basis of company size (small,mid-sized, large and very large firms), scale of operation (preclinical,clinical and commercial), key geographical regions (China, Hong-Kong, Taiwan)and expression system used.

§ A review of recent initiatives undertaken by big pharmaplayers in China for the manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals, highlightingtrends across various parameters, such as number of initiatives, year ofinitiative, and benchmark analysis of big pharma players.

§ A qualitative analysis, highlighting the various factorsthat need to be taken into consideration by drug / therapy developers whiledeciding whether to manufacture their respective products in-house or engagethe services of a CMO.

§ Elaborate profiles of key players that have a diverse rangeof capabilities for the development, manufacturing and packaging ofbiopharmaceutical products. Each profile features an overview of the company,its financial performance (if available), information on its service portfolio,details related to manufacturing capabilities and facilities, recentdevelopments (partnerships and expansions), and an informed future outlook.

§ A case study comparing the key characteristics of largemolecule and small molecule drugs, along with details on the various stepsinvolved in their respective manufacturing processes.

§ A discussion on industry affiliated trends, key drivers andchallenges, under a SWOT framework, which are likely to impact the evolution ofthis field. It also includes a Harvey ball analysis, highlighting the relativeimpact of each SWOT parameter on industry dynamics.


Thereport also features the likely distribution of the current and forecastedopportunity across important market segments, mentioned below:

  • Type of Product




  • Type of Expression System Used

§ Mammalian

§ Microbial

§ Others


  • Scale of Operation

§ Preclinical /Clinical

§ Commercial


  • Size of Manufacturers

§ Small

§ Mid-sized

§ Large / Very Large


  • Type of Biologic

§ Antibody 

§ Vaccine

§ Others


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Key QuestionsAnswered

§ Who are the leading biopharmaceutical contractmanufacturers in China?

§ What is the annual clinical demand for biopharmaceuticalsin China?

§ What is the current installed capacity for manufacturingbiopharmaceuticals in China?

§ What kind of partnership models are commonly adopted bystakeholders engaged in this domain?

§ What were the various expansion initiatives carried out byChinese biopharmaceutical CMOs?

§ What were the different biopharmaceutical focusedinitiatives undertaken by big pharma players in the recent past, in China?

§ How is the current and future market opportunity likely tobe distributed across key market segments?


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Gaurav Chaudhary

+1 (415) 800 3415