
Suhagra 50 Mg
Suhagra 50 Mg
Description Of Suhagra 50 Mg :
Sildenafil citrate is the activeingredient in suhagra 50 mg tablet, which isinformally also known as the blue pill. It is used for the treatment oferectile dysfunction (ED), which is also called impotence in men. Erectiledysfunction is a situation where a man is unable to achieve & maintain apenile erection adequate enough for sexual intercourse. It happens when thereis a decreased blood stream to the penis. The decreased blood flow may be dueto physical complications following an injury, disease/ due to somepsychological conditions such as anxiety, stress, depression, etc. Chroniclifestyle components such as obesity, smoking, drinking, etc., could alsocontribute to ED. ED is strongly age-related & the occurrence ofmoderate-to-severe ED could increase two-fold to three-fold between the ages of40 and 70 years. Suhagra 50 MG tablet relaxes the smooth muscles present in thewall of blood vessels and helps in increasing the stream of blood to thepenis.It works well when the underlying reason of erectile dysfunction isphysical, psychological or both.
How To Take Suhagra 50 Mg :
Always Suhagra 50 compositiontablet consumed a same dose that does is prescribed by your physician. Suhagra50 cost rather than time of more or less for duration and treatment as given byyour physician. Suhagra 50mg tablet should takebefore a sex approx 30 to 45 minutes & take when you need, do not take morethan one tablet per day without inform to your consultant.
How To Work Suhagra 50 Mg :
This medication relaxes thesmooth muscles by inhibiting phosphodiesterase type-5. It results in theincrease of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) which relaxes the smoothmuscles & increases the stream of blood.
Dosage Of Suhagra 50 Mg :
Suhagra 50 mg containing theactive ingredient, Sildenafil Citrate is used in the treatment of ErectileDysfunction & Pulmonary Hypertension. Suhagra 50 mg medicine is theprescription based drug & may be available in various strengths & othersubstitutes. You must ask your physician about its frequency, and duration asage and severity of the disease differ in every individual. Patients are advised to take suhagra 50 mg atany time before the intercourse. Do not consume it in larger or smaller amountsthan prescribed. It is not recommended for the pediatric & femalepopulation.
Side-effects Of Suhagra 50 Mg :
In addition to its intendedeffect, Suhagra 50 tablet may cause some unwanted effects too. In such cases,you must seek medical attention instantly. Please inform your physician if you experience any adverse reaction tothe medication.
The most common side effects whentaking Suhagra 50 mg include. :
Facial flushing, Indigestion
Dizziness, Nasal congestion
Warning Of Suhagra 50 Mg :
Suhagra 50 mg should be used verycautiously:
With Antihypertensives
In the patients who have anyphysical deformity of the penis or had painful erection which is lasting morethan 4 hours.
It is not recommended forpediatric & female Population.
Discuss with your physician aboutall your diseases or medications to get the best possible treatment &dosage adjustment in any of the diseased conditions / complications.
Storage Of Suhagra 50 Mg :
You should store Suhagra 50tablet store at 15-30°C (59-86°F) temperature, away from excess moisture, andaway from light. Store the tablet away from the reach of children and pets.
Medicines may be prescribed foruses other than those listed in the medicine guide. Don't use Suhagra 50 tabletfor conditions for which it was not prescribed. Do not give Suhagra 50 Tabletto other people who might have the same conditions or symptoms that you have.Self-medication may harm them.
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