Should we wear surgical gloves while shopping in this present pandemic?
Should we wear surgical gloves while shopping in this present pandemic?
VLHS Pvt Ltd is the India’s leading manufacturer of good quality Latex surgical gloves, Powdered & PowderFree and Latex Examination gloves to protect health care professionals, workers and patients.

Should we wear surgical gloves while shopping in this present pandemic?

Gloves and other personal protection equipment are essential in healthcare environments where

people are likely to have greater direct contact and exposure. Gloves can help protect patients

and physicians against COVID-19 infection. During these situations, a set of protocols governing

how gloves are to be chosen, utilized, and disposed of are prepared by the Ministry of Health

and Public Safety. Shopping for basic necessities, on the other hand, is a different situation.

When it comes to COVID-19, according to HealthLine, wearing gloves when shopping has little

medicinal advantage for most people. If someone sick comes in contact with an object, he or she

is possibly transferring the virus, whether wearing gloves or not. According to some medical

professionals, gloves may even draw attention away from the significance of handwashing. On

other hand, if you feel you must wear gloves while shopping, follow the guidelines on how to

wear and safely dispose of gloves given by the Ministry of Health and Public Safety.

So what should you do to keep yourself and the objects you buy safe and free from


The largest risk you face while shopping, according to many medical professionals, is getting

into close contact with someone unwell. That's why it's critical to maintain a safe distance of at

least 6 feet from other individuals at all times. If others are too close to you in line, don't be

afraid to urge them to go back or wait a few seconds to grab anything if others are already near

the item you want. When shopping for things, it's wise to assume that every surface has been

touched by someone who is ill. As a result, you should always touch just the things you plan to

purchase, wipe down the products, cart or basket handles with disinfection wipes, and wash or

use hand sanitizer subsequently.


Latex Examination Gloves vs Latex Surgical Gloves— What is the difference?


Gloves are used for a variety of purposes in the healthcare industry. However, one glove may not

be suitable for all situations. You'll need to match the type of glove to your desired activity if you

want to maximize performance while saving money and getting the right amount of infection


Disposable gloves for activities such as food handling and cleaning are known as general-

purpose gloves. Medical or exam gloves, on the other hand, must be used when coming into

direct touch with a patient outside of the operating room or other surgical sites.

During surgical operations, surgical gloves are necessary to avoid disease transmission between

doctors and patients. Surgical gloves are made to a higher level and feature exact fitting,

accuracy, and sensitivity. They are sterile and of excellent quality. Surgical gloves by VLHS are

soft, chlorinated, hand-specific, safe, odorless, and anatomically designed to suit the surgeon's

hand perfectly for greater protection while doing surgery. Our surgical gloves are available in the

powdered and non-powdered form.

In hospitals and other caregiving facilities, examination gloves are commonly used to facilitate

non-invasive physical exams and to avoid cross-contamination between caregivers and patients.

Latex, nitrile rubber, and polyvinyl chloride are among the polymers used in examination

gloves. They are typically non-sterile and available in two varieties: powdered and powder-free.

To know more about the gloves, their purposes, and to buy them, contact us today or visit our
