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Finding An Honest Pomeranian Breeder
There has been a growing demand for the Pomeranian breed inrecent years, what with so many celebrities in Hollywood sporting their littlebundles of fluff wherever they go. The Pomeranian is certainly one of the most elegantsmall breed dogs, but many people are not aware of their affectionate nature. Agrowing awareness of the desirability of the Pomeranian as a family pet hasleft many a respectable Pomeranian breeder in the dark as to how best to keepup with the onslaught of orders.
Because there are many steps that a respectable Pomeranianbreeder must take in order to ensure that each litter he or she produces ishealthy, and that the prospective owners are going to give the pups a goodhome, many people are becoming impatient and purchasing their dogs from localpet stores who have been supplied by puppy mills. These puppy mills producepups en masse, and often deliver dogs to the pet stores that are sick and evendying.
Puppy mills are a nightmare to an honest Pomeranian breeder.These mills churn out as many puppies as possible in a single year, oftenbreeding females as soon as one litter is delivered. This is dangerous due tothe fact that small breed dogs need time to heal in between litters. At least aseason or two is recommended, but a quality Pomeranian may wait as many asthree seasons before breeding a female for a second time.
When you purchase your puppies from pet stores, you arehelping the dishonest Pomeranian breeder to stay in business. It is mostimportant that you realize a respectable breeder would never dream of sellingeven a single pup to a pet store where they have no control over where theirdogs are placed. Quality Pomeranian breeders are most concerned with the healthand quality of life their pups have, and often will refuse to sell a potentialbuyer a dog if they don't feel they can provide the best home.
Don't be fooled by pet storeowners who do their best to tellyou that their puppies only come from an honest Pomeranian breeder. These petstoreowners are highly trained in answering that question, as the world'sawareness of the atrocities of puppy mills grows. But nevertheless,do not be fooled when a pet storeowner tells you that he or she only buys froma local breeder. You'll only set yourself up for heartache when your new dogturns out to be potentially fatally ill.
A Pomeranian is a wonderful dog that can provide you andyour family with a long and happy relationship. When you make certain to onlyget your new dog from a well respected Pomeranian breeder, you do you part tohelp make sure your new dog will be healthy; but also to help stop the puppymills from making any money. If everyone were to refuse to buy puppies from thepet stores, the dishonest Pomeranian breeder would soon find himself out ofwork.