
The increasingprevalence of chronic and mental disorder is a key factor expected to enablegrowth in the globalschizophrenia drugs market, says FortuneBusiness Insights in a report, titled “SchizophreniaDrugs Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Therapeutic Class (SecondGeneration, Third Generation, Others), By Treatment (Oral, Injectable), ByDistribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online Pharmacies,and Others) and Regional Forecast, 2019-2026.” The global schizophreniadrugs market was valued at USD 6.75 Billion in 2018 and is projected to reachUSD 9.48 Billion by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.3% during the forecast period.
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Rising Awareness About MentalDisorders Will Boost Growth
According toFortune Business Insights, the increasing cases of mental disorders such asschizophrenia will uplift the global schizophrenia drugs market shares. Thesurge in medical interventions for the treatment of major mental disorders willenable growth inthe global schizophrenia drugs market during the forecastperiod. Furthermore, the rising emphasis on mental illness and mental health inemerging nations will boost the global schizophrenia drugs market revenueduring the forecast period. Moreover, the increasing efficacy and safetyfeatures of treatment for schizophrenia will fuel demand among patientswhich,willin turn,accelerate the growth of the global schizophrenia drugs.
Launch Of REXULTITablets Will Propel Growth
OtsukaPharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a pharmaceutical company headquartered in Tokyolaunched REXULTI Tablets (chemical name is brexpiprazole) in 1 mg and 2 mgtablets for the treatment of schizophrenia in patients. Based on the efficacyof REXULTI in the treatment of schizophrenia, it is included in the JapaneseNational Health Insurance Drug Price List. The launch of REXULTI® Tabletswill favor growth to the global schizophrenia drugs market owing to thepresence of a novel compound in the tablets. REXULTI Tablets will bemarketed to healthcare institutions across Japan to treat patients with mentaldisorders.
Furthermore, according to the report published by FortuneBusiness Insights on the basis of treatment outlook the global schizophreniadrugs market is segmented into oral and injectable. Injectedbale basedtreatment is predicted to generate maximum revenue owing to the prevention ofrelapses and also the irreparable cognitive and neurological damages to thepatients.
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