Refractories Market
Refractories Market
The global refractories market size is projected to reach USD 42,308.2 million by the end of 2027. The increasing product applications across diverse industry verticals will emerge in favor of market growth.

Theglobal refractoriesmarket size is projected to reach USD 42,308.2 million by the end of2027. The increasing product applications across diverse industry verticalswill emerge in favor of market growth. According to a report published byFortune Business Insights, titled“Refractories Market Size, Share and IndustryAnalysis, By Form (Bricks and Shaped and Monolithics and Unshaped), By Product(Clay and Non-Clay), By Alkalinity (Acidic and Neutral and Basic), By End-UseIndustry (Iron and Steel, Non-Ferrous Metals, Glass, Cement, and Others), andRegional Forecast, 2020-2027,”the market was worth USD 32,069.5 million in 2019and will exhibit a CAGR of 3.6% during the forecast period, 2020-2027.

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Refractoriesare advanced ceramic materials that are used in applications that require highthermal resistance and temperature handling capabilities.

Besidesthis, the product possesses properties such as high mechanical strength and anexcellent resistance to corrosion. The product finds applications in severalindustries including petrochemical, ceramic, glass, paper and pulp, and others.Accounting to the excellent properties of refractories, the product has witnesseda huge demand in recent years. The increasing investment in the research anddevelopment of efficient products will bode well for the growth of the overallrefractories market in recent years. Consequential to the rising applicationsand subsequent demand for the product, several companies are operating acrossthe world. The report highlights major factors that have contributed to thegrowth of the market in recent years.

Major Companies are Focusing on Extending their ProductionCapacities

Thereport encompasses several factors that have contributed to the growth of theoverall market in recent years. Among all factors, the efforts put in by largescale companies to enhance the production capacities of refractories across theworld have had the highest impact on the growth of the market.

InJuly 2019, HarbinsonWalker announced that it has decided to expand itsmanufacturing operations. The company will increase its production capacity inWhite Cloud, Michigan by 35%. The company will invest a mammoth USD 9 millionin this expansion. This will emerge as the huge factor in the growth of thesteel industry in North America. HarbinsonWalker’s latest step to expand theproduction of refractories will not just help the company’s cause, but willalso have a positive impact on the growth of the global refractories market inthe foreseeable future. The increasing demand for the product will attractnewer companies in the coming years.

Asia Pacific Likely toEmerge Dominant; Increasing Products will Aid Market Growth

Thereport analyses the latest market trends across five major regions, includingNorth America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East andAfrica. Among all regions, the market in Asia Pacific is projected to emergedominant in the coming years. The increasing product applications and thesubsequent rise in the demand for the product across the region will contributeto the growth of the market in the coming years.

AsiaPacific accounts for over 70% of the global steel production; a primary reasonwhy this region will always remain in contention for the leading market acrossthe world. As of 2019, the market in Asia Pacific was worth 20,444.9 millionand this value is projected to increase at a considerable pace in the comingyears. The market in North America will derive growth from the rising demandfor the product across diverse end-use industries.

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