Probiotics Market Growth, Analysis, Size, Trends, Emerging Factors, Demands, Key Players and Potential of Industry Till 2027
Probiotics Market Growth, Analysis, Size, Trends, Emerging Factors, Demands, Key Players and Potential of Industry Till 2027
Drivenby changing dietary patterns, the consumption in Global Probiotics Market isexpected to rise. This, as per a report by Fortune Business Insights, will pushthe market at a CAGR of 7.3% between 2018 and 2025.

 Drivenby changing dietary patterns, the consumption in Global Probiotics Market isexpected to rise. This, as per a report by Fortune Business Insights, will pushthe market at a CAGR of 7.3% between 2018 and 2025. The report is titled "ProbioticsMarket Size, Share and Global Trend By Microbial Genus (Lactobacillus,Bifiodobacterium, Yeast), Application (Functional Food and Beverage, DietarySupplement Animal Feed), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets/Hypermarkets,Pharmacies/Health Stores, Convenience Stores, Online Retail) and GeographyForecast till 2025," and is currently available for saleon the official website of Fortune Business Insights. The report predicts theglobal probiotics market to reach US$74.69 Bnby the end of 2025, as compared to US$ 42.55 Bn in2018.

Rising Incidence of Digestive Disorders Boosts Probiotics SalesWorldwide

Therising incidence of various digestive disorders is the key reason behind theincreasing demand for probiotics foods. Most common health disorders are oftenrelated to various lifestyle factors. Increasing access to information hasrendered conscientious consumers more knowledgeable than ever. Therefore, theyare willingly embracing probiotics for improving their health. Against thisbackdrop, the report highlights increasing health awareness as a chief driverof the global probiotics market.

"Dueto their high nutritional values, probiotics have evolved as supplements fromfunctional foods space," said a lead analyst at Fortune Business Insights."They have also graduated as a topic of interest for researchers,resulting in the increasing investment towards research and developmentactivities. This is bound to have a positive impact on the global probioticsmarket," he added.

Demand for Dairy-based Probiotics Foods and Drinks to Surge

Whilefermented foods traditionally remained a fitting matrix, dairy-based optionssuch as probiotics yoghurt currently hold dominance at a global level. Besidesthis, evolving regulatory framework is creating an environment conducive to thesales of various probiotics foods and drinks owing to their superiornutritional performance. The demand for probiotics supplements is especiallyhigh in developed regions.

Thereport finds North America as the mostlucrative market for probiotics foods and drinks. The presence of asophisticated retail infrastructure and high disposable income of consumers aresupporting the expansion of the probiotics market in the region. In addition tothis, the probiotics market in Asia Pacific isevolving at a rapid pace, with Japan and China accounting for the lion's share of theregional sales. The report expects the demand for probiotics drinks and othertypes of probiotics supplements to remain high in India andother countries across Central and Southeast Asia throughthe forecast period.

Furthermore,the demand for probiotics supplements is also expected to skyrocket in theregion in response to the rising awareness about their nutritional offerings.The expanding middle class and their willingness to spend towards health andwellness will push growth in the probiotics market in Africa and SouthAmerica.

Competition to Remain High Through Forecast Period

Besidesidentifying the key growth drivers and restraints, the report offers anexecutive-level blueprint of the competitive landscape in the global probioticsmarket. As per the study, the market is rendered fragmented due to the presenceof several companies. It witnesses a strong presence of internally acclaimedplayers such as Yakult Honsha, Lallemand Inc., Danone S.A., DuPont USA, Nestlé S.A., and others. In order to establish astronghold, these players are currently focusing on strengthening theirdistribution channels, besides diversifying the product portfolio. In additionto this, well establish players such as Yakult still embark on the traditionalclaims of their offerings. Spurred by strategies adopted by the leading companies,the global probiotics market is expected to witness a steady growth though theforecast period.

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