
Transparency Market Research (TMR) delivers key insights on the globalPrebiotic Ingredients market in its upcoming outlook titled, “Prebiotic IngredientsMarket: Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment 2017-2027”. Interms of value, the global prebiotic ingredients market is projected to register asignificant CAGR of 10.5% during the forecast period due to various factors,regarding which TMR offers vital insights in detail.
On the basis of ingredients, the market is segmented intofructo-oligosaccharide, mannan-oligosaccharide, galacto-oligosaccharide, inulinand others. On the basis of source, the market is segmented into vegetables,cereals, roots and others. On the basis of end use, the market is segmentedinto clinical nutrition, dietary supplement functional food & beverage,dairy products, infant formula, breakfast cereal & cereal bars, meatproducts, animal nutrition and pet food.
Western Europe market has traditionally been a good base for prebioticmanufacturers. Consumers in Western Europe market have better awareness of prosand cons of prebiotics and probiotics than most other regions in the world.This is one of the major factors affecting prebiotic sales in the Europemarket, currently. In 2006, Council and Parliament of the European Commissionpassed a regulation on nutrition and health claims concerning ‘low fat’, ‘highfiber’ and ‘reduced cholesterol’ marketing strategies. This regulation was putforth in order to ensure that any health claims with regards to food labeling,presentation or marketing within the European Union should be clear, accurateand based on evidence supported by the scientific community. These steps haveensured regularization in the marketing procedure in Europe and increasedawareness about prebiotics in the region, making the European consumers themost well-informed group of buyers and are the foremost consumers of prebioticsaround the world.
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The global dairy industry has grown significantly in the recent past.Foods such as yogurt, cheese, butter, gelato, ice cream, kefir and other suchmilk products are in high demand among the consumers. In addition, milk itselfin various forms such as pasteurized milk, condensed milk, powdered milk,skimmed milk; whole milk and high-fat milk for infant formulae are also indemand. Since the beginning of the century, many of these milk products havebeen optionally offered by reinforcing them with prebiotic fibers to offerhealth benefits to consumers. In Asia Pacific for example, dairy productmanufacturers have been taking steps to incorporate inulin as it showsorganoleptic properties. Estimates show that approximately 20.3% of yogurtsmanufactured in Asia Pacific contain prebiotic ingredients and about 3.5% ofthese are based on oligosaccharides. The ever increasing use of prebiotics indairy products is a lucrative opportunity for prebiotic manufacturers as theglobal dairy market is a large industry and monetary gains are very high.
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There is growing interest in Indian consumers for digestive healthingredients, particularly prebiotics, in food products. Since 2011, India hasallowed regulatory approval for prebiotics in sweets, dairy products, frozendesserts, ice cream, baked goods, cereals, chocolates and meat products. Withover 37 million diabetics and 400 million overweight people in India, there isgrowing demand for low sugar foods, which will continue to drive demand forprebiotic ingredients. Meanwhile, India’s probiotics market is largely focusedon animal feed, and probiotic products for human consumption is still a nichesector. Small existing market focuses on dairy products such as yoghurts,buttermilk drinks and curds. Awareness activities by companies such as Yakultcontinues to drive consumer awareness about probiotic products that will inturn continue to fuel market growth. Moreover, growing dairy consumption inChina is driving demand for value-added dairy products. China’s dependence onimported dairy reduces its capacity to develop its own processes, and thereforetends to replicate technologies developed in Japan. China does have a largeinulin source. Intellectual property protection for these products needs to beconsidered, with many imitator products known to exist. The health benefits ofprebiotics and probiotics in China is currently unproven, hence the sales aretypically driven by viva voce.
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Life style along with eating habit has transitioned from health basedfood products to taste based – particularly for kids in Middle East region.Busy life schedule of working parents limits their control on children’s eatingpattern, which in majority of the case results into gastrointestinal relatedmalfunctioning condition in kids. About, half a decade ago, consumers were notinformed about the use of probiotic and prebiotic supplement and hence theirlarge dependence was on medicine, which again led to other complications atseveral reported instances, across this region. Since, prebiotic industry isfocused on making consumers aware that consumption of prebiotic helps in thegrowth of strains of probiotic bacteria that show very effective results forchildren stomach health, informed parents now opt for prebiotic supplements orprebiotic based food products and ensure administration of these products tochildren on regular and required intervals. Thus, the beneficial properties ofprebiotic ingredients for kids, is likely to propel demand for prebioticproduct over the coming years.
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This report covers trends driving each segment and offers analysis andinsights of the potential of the global prebiotic ingredients market in thefinal section of the report, a competitive landscape has been included toprovide report audiences with a dashboard view. Key categories of providerscovered in the report are prebiotic ingredients’ key players of the globalprebiotic ingredients market. Detailed profiles of the providers are alsoincluded in the scope of the report to evaluate their long-term and short-termstrategies, key offerings and recent developments in the Prebiotic Ingredientsspace. Key players in the global Prebiotic Ingredients market includesKoninklijke FrieslandCampina N.V., Roquette Frères S.A., Kerry Group plc,Ingredion Incorporated, Cargill, Incorporated, Yakult Honsha Co.,Ltd., CosucraGroupe Warcoing SA, BENEO GmbH, Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited, and SensusAmerica, Inc. among others.
TMR has followedthe C19-TREND approach forconducting a comprehensive analysis on the trends and changes in the food andbeverage sector due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Each factor is analyzed withscrutiny. These points have been compiled in the report and will assure greatassistance to the stakeholders and CXOs in developing sound business strategies.
Some C19-TRENDsthat TMR has focused upon while analyzing the food and beverage sector are asfollows:
With the COVID-19outbreak limiting the number of traveling and dining opportunities forindividuals, many opt to experience the fun of a restaurant or destination atthe comfort of their homes. Ready-to-drink beverages are being focused upon toenable the consumers to feel the vibe of a particular destination. This aspectwill churn exponential growth.
A good immunitycan help individuals tackle COVID-19 with ease. Many consumers are switching toimmunity-boosting food and beverage items for improving their resistanceagainst further infections. Many well-established players are paying attentionon launching immunity-rich food and beverage products. This factor will attractpromising revenues.
Strengtheningof Home Delivery Mechanisms
Restaurants andfood chains were closed for a substantial time during the lockdown period.Thus, home delivery of food products, eatables, and groceries became the newnorm. Many people still prefer home delivery due to the fear of not venturingout. Home deliveries will play a crucial role in increasing the growthopportunities across the horizon of the food and beverages sector.
These are themajor trends that will influence the growth of the food and beverage industryconsiderably. Although, the food and beverage sector was exempt from thelockdown restrictions, many cases of supply chain disruptions were observed.With mass vaccination drives and certain relaxations in restrictions, thesupply chain disruptions will be minimized extensively.
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