
If you're not acquainted with the game Happy Wheels, you probably don't know the significance of its closure. It has a simple premise: send your character to the finish line while they are riding your preferred vehicle in this ragdoll-based physics game. A father riding a bike with his child in a child's seat on the back, an elderly guy using a wheelchair, and an obese lady using a motorized shopping cart are just a few examples.
They don't seem to be the conventional videogame heroes you would envision playing as, but that's just because Happy Wheels isn't your average game. The game drips with a cruelly wicked sense of humor. Because of how "floppy" your characters are, managing them and preventing them from splattering themselves all over the ground, spikes, or lethal falls from vast heights is the game's biggest obstacle.
It's a bloody, outrageous, highly styled, and hugely popular splatter fest. The ability for players to create their own levels—deadly obstacle courses—that spare none of the lives of the commuters featured—may be the game's most alluring feature. And yes, it also applies to the father's unfortunate kid, who will be horrifically mutilated due to a single faulty keystroke.
Happy Wheels has received over 5 million user-generated levels and over 13 billion plays worldwide to date, giving you an indication of the enormous number of players that enjoy the game. It was not long before the game switched from being an in-browser-only title to an iOS and Android download due to its overwhelming success.
But PC gamers who were dedicated enjoyed playing the game.
Why are Happy Wheels ceasing operations?
The flash-based game won't be playable anytime soon and is already experiencing outages depending on which browser you use or which server/website you play it on, even though it will be available to download for mobile platforms and there are many clone games out there that people install on their computers. That more closely relates to Adobe's decision to discontinue Flash in favor of alternative web protocols.
Adobe Flash will stop functioning on almost all browsers this year. The firm has already stopped providing support in several phases, and you may have observed that certain programs that used Flash, like the Pixlr editor, just stop working. Now that Flash is going the way of Clippy, other well-known games like Friv and Cool Math Games will soon face the ax, including Happy Wheels.
People are so distraught about losing access to their flash games that they have formed online petitions pleading with Adobe to postpone the closure of Flash. Supporters of the web protocol mostly want to "guard" the games that shaped their childhoods by keeping it around.
Not to be unfeeling, but technology and nostalgia seldom go together.
They certainly can in terms of products and branding, but if you want to advance a particular technology, sticking with out-of-date software is just poor business. Additionally, the vast majority of contemporary websites—80.9% of all websites on the internet—use HTML5.
Although developers can make their websites operate with Adobe Flash, it's often thought to be more bother than it's worth since Flash doesn't really get along with HTML5.
Even the most ardent "flash enthusiasts" have really made the decision to stop supporting the protocol and focus only on working in HTML5 settings.
So it's definitely better that you simply download it to play on your preferred PC, or get acclimated to the Android and iOS versions, if you still want to play Happy Wheels into 2020.
Here is where you can download Happy Wheels to play on your PC. Are you disappointed that you can't play it on your browser any longer?