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What is the FFPprotective Face mask?

The FFP face mask alsocalled a respiratory protective mask or simply a respirator, it is a type ofEuropean Union protective face mask that provides protection against suspended particles such asdust particles and various viruses in the air. The EN 149 standard specifiesthree classes of these masks depending on their filtering efficiency: FFP1,FFP2, and FFP3. The mask is an example of a mechanical filter respirator mask.

You can find thewholesale price for FFP2 face masks & respirators here, A China FFP2 facemask manufacturer & Company, offer FFP1, FFP3 dust protective masks,wholesale manufacturing price"

The mask covers half ofthe face, which means protecting it chin, nose, and mouth. The mask must meetspecific criteria and pass the effectiveness tests. Effectiveness evaluation isbased on the filter rate (filter penetration, also referred to as efficiency),as well as the degree of leakage around the edges. The mask should be properlyadjusted to fit the face.

Unlike an oral surgicalmask, this type of mask protects its wearers from inhaling infectious agents orpollutants in the form of aerosols, droplets, or small solid particles.

What is FFP1, FFP2, FFP3 protective face mask?

Performance requirementsfor three classes of particle filter half-face masks: FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3.FFP2 face mask manufacturer or FFP3 for protection provided by lower-numbercategory masks.

  1. FFP1 Protective Face Mask

It has the lowestfilterability among the three masks.

  • Aerosol filtration rate: 80% at a minimum.
  • Internal dropout rate: 22% at maximum.
  • Mainly used as a dust mask for handicrafts. Dust may cause lung disease, asbestos, and iron enchantment, especially dust from coal, silica, iron ore, zinc, aluminum, cement, and asthma.
  1. FFP2 dust protective face Mask
  • Aerosol nomination rate: 94% at a minimum.
  • Internal dropout rate: 8% at maximum.
  • This FFP2 dust face mask provides protection in various fields such as the glass industry, foundries, construction, pharmaceutical industry, and agriculture, and it is effective against chemical powders. This mask can also protect against influenza viruses such as bird flu or the severe acute respiratory syndrome associated with coronavirus, and bacteria that cause both pneumonic plague and tuberculosis, ffp2 face mask is similar to the mask of the N95.
  1. FFP3 Face Mask respirator
  • Aerosol filtering rate: 99% at a minimum.
  • Internal dropout rate: 2% at maximum.
  • The FFP3 face mask is the most filtered among the FFP masks, and it protects against ultra-fine particles such as asbestos and porcelain, but it does not provide any protection from gases, especially nitrogen oxide.

What’s the difference between ffp1, ffp2, andffp3 face masks?

The progressive count(FFP1, FPP2, FFP3) indicates the progressive air filtration capacity of thedifferent types of devices. FFP1 masks have a limited filtering capacity, asthey block only the larger particles in the breathed air and are not the mostsuitable for protecting the wearer from harmful microparticles such as thosecontaining the virus.

FFP2and FPP3 face masks, on the other hand,have a filtration capacity of tiny particles (including those containing thevirus) of 94% for FPP2 and 99% for FFP3. The most effective masks for theprotection of oneself and others are the FFP2 masks and the FFP3 masks withoutthe valve, insofar as they guarantee maximum protection both for the wearer andfor those around him. The valves, in effect, expel the exhaled air from thewearer, but without filtering it. Their use is therefore not recommended,especially if the wearer is showing symptoms or if he thinks he may beinfected.

One of thecharacteristics of FFP3 face masks is, given the high level of filtration and the layering ofthe materials used to make them, that they can be uncomfortable to breathe forprolonged periods. These masks also have a limited cycle of use. They are madeto provide protection for approximately 6 hours, after which filter efficiencyis no longer guaranteed, so masks should be discarded.

Are you lookingfor FFP2 mask manufacturer with manufacturing wholesale price?Dongguan Olayer Technology Is a ffp2 face mask manufacturer from China, weoffer the best quality for FFP2 mask, oil penetration rate is meeting FFP3(less than 0.1), and the breathing resistance is as low as FFP2 (easy tobreath). Contact us to get our EN 149:2001 + A1:2009 testing report.

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