Peptides and Macrocycle Drug Discovery Services Market is projected to reach USD 1.5 Billion by 2030
Peptides and Macrocycle Drug Discovery Services Market is projected to reach USD 1.5 Billion by 2030
Due to technological advancements in drug discovery, the domain of peptides and macrocycles has once again garnered significant interest from various stakeholders in the recent past.

RootsAnalysis has announced the addition of “Peptidesand Macrocycle Drug Discovery: Services and Platforms Market, 2020-2030”report to its list of offerings.

Drugdiscovery is challenging and involves several complexities. In order tocontinue to add new molecules their pipelines, drug developers are opting tooutsource such operations to contract research organizations (CROs).Outsourcing of peptides and macrocycle drug discovery has emerged as one of therecent trends in the overall pharmaceutical domain.

KeyMarket Insights

Over25 companies offer peptides and macrocyclic drug discovery services

The market features a mix of small companies (<50employees, 43%), mid-sized companies (51 to 500 employees, 36%) and very largeand large companies (>500 employees, 21%).

Almost50% of peptides and macrocycle drug discovery service providers are based inthe Europe

Within Europe, most of the players are based in Franceand Germany. Examples of companies headquartered in the aforementioned regionsinclude (in alphabetical order) 3B Pharmaceuticals, JPT Peptide Technologies,Oncodesign, Prestwick Chemical, Provepharm, and Taros.

Morethan 85% of the peptides and macrocyclic drug discovery service providers offerlead optimization services

Examples of other peptides and macrocyclic drug discoveryservices include hit identification, target validation and lead generation.Examples of companies offering all these discovery services include (inalphabetical order) Creative Biolabs, Eurofins, IRBM, Prestwick Chemical andTaros.

Over25 companies offer peptides and macrocyclic drug discovery platforms

The market is dominated by the presence of start-upcompanies (having year of establishment post 2000), which represent more than85% of the competitive landscape. The platform providers established before2000 are (in alphabetical order) are Hanmi, Oncodesign, Polyphor and ZealandPharma.

55+collaboration instances inked between 2015 and 2019

Research collaboration accounted for 51% of the totalnumber of agreements inked between 2015 and 2019, which is followed by Researchand development agreements (37%), Licensing agreement (7) and Mergers andAcquisitions (5%). PeptiDream accounted for 41% of the total number ofpartnership instances. Examples of recent partnerships inked by this companyinclude (in reverse chronological order) joint research agreement with Fujitsu(September 2019), R&D Agreement with Novartis (June 2019) and R&DAgreement with Nihon Medi-Physics (December 2018).

Presently,the largest market share (in terms of peptide discovery step) is captured bylead optimization

Lead optimization captures the highest share of thepeptides discovery outsourcing market (51%), followed by lead generation (28%),hit identification (15%) and target validation (6%).

TheUSD 1.5 billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the peptides and macrocycles drug discoveryservice and platform providers markethas been analyzed across the following segments:

Typeof peptides

·       Synthetic peptides

·       Biologic and recombinant peptides

Typeof discovery steps

·       Target identification and validation

·       Hit identification

·       Lead generation

·       Lead optimization


·       Oncological disorders

·       Metabolic disorders

·       Cardiovascular disorders

·       Infectious diseases

·       Urological disorders

·       Endocrine disorders

·       CNS disorders

·       Other diseases


·       Small companies

·       Mid-sized companies

·       Large and very large companies

Keygeographical regions

·       Europe

·       North America

·       Asia-Pacific and the Rest of the World

Thereport features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whompeptide and macrocycles drug discovery outsourcing market is continuouslypacing up. The report includes detailed transcripts of discussions held withthe following experts:

·       Mark I Peterson (CEO, Cyclenium Pharma)

·       Jan Hoflack (Chief Scientific Officer, Headof Biotech Business Unit, Oncodesign)

Theresearch covers profiles of key players that offer peptides and macrocyclicdrugs discovery platforms and services, featuring an overview of the company,its service portfolio / technology platform, and an informed future outlook.

·       GenScript

·       JPT Peptide Technologies

·       CPC Scientific

·       IRBM

·       Creative Peptides

·       Pepscan

·       Interprotein

·       RA Pharmaceuticals

·       Pepticom

·       PeptiDream

·       Creative Biolabs

·       MeSCue-Janusys

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