NVH materials are used in vehicle interiors to reduce noise and vibrations experienced by passengers

NVH materials (Noise, Vibration, and Harness) are especially designed to reduce vehicle noise and vibration. NVH materials are used in vehicle interiors to reduce noise and vibrations experienced by passengers, and they are also used on the outside to reduce noise and vibrations caused by the vehicle. The engine, driveline, tyres, brakes, and wind are all major contributors of noise in a vehicle. Vibrations are most commonly felt in the steering wheel, seats, armrests, pedals, floor, and doors of a car.
NVH Materials are acoustic devices that can be divided into three categories: sound absorption, sound barrier, and sound dampening. The performance and power of an electric vehicle depends on how well the heat exchanger directs and captures the hot exhaust gasses coming from the engine. If these gasses are not allowed to escape through the engine block they will increase the pressure in the vehicle causing the engine to crack or even explode. Another way that these noise inducing gasses enter the vehicle is through the doors and windows. By using window and door insulation, the noise from these sounds can be significantly reduced by almost fifty percent which will drastically improve the vehicle's fuel efficiency.
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