
There are also thinner cuts of bison available, with a 3-ounce portion containing roughly 130 calories and 2 gm of fat.
Nutrition Facts for Cooked Grass Fed Ground Bison
Bison is significantly higher in zinc than beef, a vitamin that aids in the development of healthy immune systems. In addition to having a wonderful nutritional profile, Bison meat is higher in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and lower in fat than meat from grain-fed animals.
You can also rest confident that the animals aren’t given antibiotics or hormones, so you’re not getting anything “extra,” and start to wonder where to buy Bison meat.
bison meat near me lets you enjoy the flavor of red meat while maintaining the nutritional value of healthy meat like a chicken. According to studies, a three-ounce portion of 90 percent lean ground beef has around 180 calories and 10 gm of fat, whereas a grass-fed bison burger has about 130 calories, 6 gm of fat (and a staggering 22 gm of protein).
There are also thinner cuts of bison available, with a 3-ounce portion containing roughly 130 calories and 2 gm of fat.