Newimagecorp - Lawn Care Services Near Me (Los Angeles)?
Newimagecorp - Lawn Care Services Near Me (Los Angeles)?
Need lawn care services near me? The New Image team is dedicated to making lawns the best they can be and in turn ensuring that our clients are as pleased as they can be. Apply now.

Newimagecorp - Lawn Care Services Near Me (Los Angeles)?

Need lawn care services near me?  The New Image team is dedicated to makinglawns the best they can be and in turn ensuring that our clients are as pleasedas they can be. Apply now.


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Newimagecorp - Lawn Care Services Near Me (Los Angeles)?

Are you at least 18 years of age? (If under 18, hire issubject to verification that you are of minimum legal age and possess a validwork permit if applicable.)


Are you legally eligible for employment in the UnitedStates? (Proof of citizenship or immigration status will be required upon hire)


Have you ever been employed with New Image Landscaping?


If you have been employed with New Image Landscaping, whenand why did you leave?

Have you ever, under your name or another name, beenconvicted of (or pleaded guilty or solo contenders to) a Felony or Misdemeanor?(YES answers may be relevant if job-related, but do not necessarily bar youfrom employment. Do not identify convictions for which the criminal record hasbeen completed and the case dismissed by the court. Marijuana offenses morethan 2 years old need not be listed.)


If you have been convicted of a Felony or Misdemeanor,please give dates and explain:

Are you able to perform the essential functions of the jobfor which you are applying, either with or without reasonable accommodation?


If you are not able to perform the essential functions ofthe job for which you are applying, describe the functions that cannot beperformed (Note: We comply with the ADA and consider reasonable accommodationmeasures that may be necessary for eligible applicants/employees to performessential functions. Hire may be subject to passing a medical examination, andto skill and agility tests.)


Do any of your relatives work for New Image?


If you have relatives who work for New Image, provide namesand location.

Previous Employers

I may be required to work holidays

I may be required to work at different locations if NewImage Landscaping deems it necessary.

When are you available?