
Teacup Chihuahua puppies for sale
Tips to Take Care ofTeacup Puppies
A dog is abest friend of a man. It is absolutely true. And this is a fact in the case ofa teacup puppy. People are more emotionally involved to a teacup dog because oftheir absolutely tiny size. People can play, coddle, pamper, hold, sleep andeven dress up a teacup puppy.
It is veryimportant to take care of these tiny, little teacups. As an owner or an adopterof these tiny teacups, it is a great responsibility. The things which areabsolutely needed to take good care of the teacups are as follows:
•High-quality small-breed puppy kibble
• Cesar puppy food
• Meat-based baby food
• Yogurt
• Dyne or karo syrup
• Nutri-cal
As a firststep, it is important to feed the tiny teacup about ¼ cup up to ½ cup of topquality small-breed kibble. This is available for puppies. Brands like RoyalCanin or Eukanuba is good. This should be given to the pup throughout the day.Some experts also suggest that besides giving the kibble, the pups should beprovided with a varying diet of added nutritional ingredients about four tofive times in a day. Examples of these extra diet are like a small amount ofCesar puppy food, second-stage meat-based baby food mixed with about 1 cc ofhoney or dyne. They can also be fed about ¼ teaspoon of yogurt.
The secondstep is providing the teacup with supplement of high-energy. For instance,Nutri-cal. It is to be given four to five times a day
The thirdstep includes monitoring the puppy whether it is getting proper and enough ofsleep. As told by the experts, a teacup should sleep for 4 hours in a day andshould sleep for ten to twelve hours during the night hours.
As thefourth step, in order that the dog does not get hypoglycemia because of stressin the very first two weeks of bringing it home, put in two teaspoons of karosyrup in the water of the puppy. As because the puppy has to adjust itself to acompletely new environment, the first two weeks are very much stressful.
The fifthstep of taking care of your puppy is having great supervision on your teacupand keeping the puppy away from playing with bigger dogs as well as infants. Ifthey are allowed to play, they can hurt their soft and delicate body.
The laststep is to consult the vet about the schedule of vaccination of the puppy sothat the teacup is immunized properly from the dog diseases.
Teacuppuppies need love and care, and give the same back to their owner!
If you arelooking for buying a teacup puppy, contact . We have great collection