
Male Schnauzer puppy for sale
Buy Your Puppies from Certified Chihuahua Breeders
When you want to buy a good pet dog having a certificate ofthe Chihuahua breed, and you do not want to visit a pet shop, you need to finda good Chihuahua breeder and to avoid those ones who don't really care for thegood breeding practices but are in the market only to make a quick buck.
If you are looking to buy a Chihuahua puppy directly from abreeder, this means you have high expectations and quality standards for thedog to be your pet, and the same must be the case for the breeding facilities,the environment where the dogs have been get birth and live, the breed lines ofthe parents and also for the professionalism of the Chihuahua breeder. Findinga trustworthy Chihuahua breeder is just a part of the problem, you will nextmay have to wait for the puppy you want to buy to be born, because dogs of theChihuahua breed do not produce large litters.
Get Documented Proof Of Ancestry As Well As HealthCertification
The Chihuahua breeder whom you have chosen must possess allthe documents related to the ancestors of his dogs, the veterinary care,inoculations and other health issues and should provide them to you. Thebreeder should also be able to supply the prospective buyer pictures of thepuppies as well as of their ancestors and good Chihuahua breeders should standfirmly for their puppies and be helpful in providing as much informationregarding theChihuahua puppies as well as assist the owner in anyreasonable manner possible.
When you visit the breeders' facility, you can observe ifthe puppies are kept in a homely atmosphere or in that of a kennel run. Duringthe visit at the breeders' facility, check by yourself the conditions the dogsare living in and watch the puppies to see if they appear in a good healthstatus and seem to be happy. When looking for a quality breeder you may searchthe sites on the Internet dealing with Chihuahuas or the wanted ads in your localor regional papers. There are plenty of breeders but one should be choosy andselect one that one is comfortable dealing with and who is not only helpful butalso knowledgeable about the breed.
Personal involvement and the care about the fate of the dogsthey have delivered is another sign you can recognize a good breeder from. Agood Chihuahua breederwill not just try and palm off his or her puppies to the first buyer but willbe selective and should not be one who breeds many breeds but is only breedingone or two types of dogs. And ask about the potential health issues that canoccur during your dog life, the preventive measures to be taken and aboutgenetic defects.
A good Chihuahua breeder should also be certified as memberof a recognized kennel club and his facility should have been tested andcertified by the specific authorities. First things the Chihuahua puppies willneed at your home are clean, sanitary surroundings and premium quality food. Inthe search for a Chihuahua pet, one may need to search extensively beforefinding a quality Chihuahua breeder and should leave no stone unturned prior tothe purchase as it will enable one to get the best of pets.